Chapter 6: Spear VS Shield. SPEAR WI- Wait, Who's That?

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Mirai Iwatani Level: 22

Kenta Level: 23

"Where'd Mirai go?" Motoyasu asks as he rejoins Ren and Itsuki.

"She left." Itsuki says.

"Why, the parties just getting started?"

"She said she doesn't like large crowds." Itsuki answers.

"She did mention that earlier."

"Motoyasu, didn't you notice anything different about her?" Ren asks.

"Her name." he answers.

"Doesn't she look a lot like Naofumi? And there were some things she said that people of this world wouldn't." Ren states.

"What are you getting at Ren?" Motoyasu asks.

"Mirai is related to Naofumi, which means that she was summoned here alongside us." Ren mentions.

"That doesn't make sense though, the Four of us were summoned all at the same time." Motoyasu says.

"Now that you mention it Ren," Itsuki starts, "on the first day we got here, Naofumi did ask if anyone else was summoned."

"Who cares about that right now." Motoyasu drapes his arms over Ren and Itsuki, "It's party time!" Motoyasu exclaims, Ren and Itsuki nod in agreement and they split off.

"Master Naofumi, would you like anything to eat?" Naofumi glances from looking beyond the window, to Raphtalia. "The food here looks really delicious."

"If you're hungry go and eat." he replies, Raphtalia doesn't respond as she walks away. Naofumi returns his gaze our the window. I wish I knew when the next wave would hit, since defeating them is my ticket home. I bet Mirai's worried sick about me. He glances out the window as black hair catches his gaze, is that-?

"Master Naofumi" Raphtalia comments he glances at her, "You should try this pie, it's delicious." She holds out a fork full, Naofumi gives in and she feeds it to him and smiles.

"Taste good doesn't it?" She asks.

A glove is suddenly thrown at Naofumi's feet.

"Naofumi, I challenge you to a duel." Motoyasu states. Naofumi looks at the glove and Motoyasu.

"What for?." he says.

"Having a brainwashed slave in your party." Motoyasu states, whispers, mutters, and looks of disgust wave through the nobles, "It's wrong for a Hero to have a Slave."

"Slavery is legal in this world, so there is nothing wrong with having a slave."

"But it's-" Naofumi stands up.

"You have your opinions, I have mine." he says and walks toward the stairs where he is stopped by guards holding their spears in front of them.

"You can not decline the Spear Heroes duel." the King states, Naofumi glares over his shoulder at him.

"When I win, Raphtalia will be free from her curse." Motoyasu states.

"And if I win?" Naofumi retorts.

"You won't, but in the extremely low chance you win then things will stay the same."

"Alright." Naofumi agrees.


The next day. . .

"Mmmmm!" I stretch, "I haven't slept that well in forever!" I drop my hands, "Maybe going to that banquet was worth it, that moron Motoyasu used up all my energy dragging me around." I comment and start brushing my hair, "On the plus side I met three of the 4 Cardinal Heroes. I can't help but wonder if the Shield was even there last night. Even so-"

"Good morning Mirai!" the door swings open, causing me to jump and my head snaps to the side.

"Kenta, don't scare me like that!" I yell, he walks in and places a bag on the counter. "Nearly gave me a heart attack." he cocks his head to the side.

"Heart Attack?"

"It's just a figure of speech." I say, "Anyway, what do you have there?"

"You mentioned we needed more medicine, ingredients, and potions." he says, "So I went and got some."

"You should've woken me up, then we could've gone together."

"I tried, but you would not budge no matter what I did." he says.

"What did you do?"

"Cheek stretching and pinching, covering a pillow over your face, tickling, messing with your eye patch." he said and counted with his fingers. "Turns out you can hold your breath quite awhile."

"Were you trying to kill me by suffocation?!"

"No, no, after the first minute I was curious and wanted to see how long you could hold for. But you remained asleep the whole time, color me impressed."

"Note to self, never let Kenta try and wake me up again." I say as I start sorting through the bag, "That aside, I think we should go grind some levels again, and we'll leave the city tomorrow or today depending on how we're feeling."

"Sounds good to me." Kenta says.

"Let's get a move on then. This half is yours, and this is mine." I put my half of the potions and medicine, along with the ingredients into my pouch. Upon entering they fizzle away. "I am such a genius." I comment proudly as I tap my hip pouch.

"Are we going?" Kenta asks, already geared up and at the door.

"Coming, coming."

3 hours later. . .

"How much for this?" I ask handing three rabbit like monsters to the merchant.

"About 6 silvers, 2 silvers each." they respond.

"Thank you. It was a pleasure doing business with you." I smile, he stares at me for a moment or two.

"This reminds me the Shield Hero asked the exact same thing a few days ago."

"Really? Can you tell me what he looked like?"

"He looks a lot like-"

"The Shield and Spear Hero are dueling each other." I glance over finding some villagers walking past.

"I'm sorry, please excuse me." I bow and run after the villagers.

"Who do you think will win? The Spear or Shield?" they ask each other.

"The Spear of course, what a stupid question."

"Um excuse me," the villagers face me, "can you tell me where the duel is taking place?"

"Sure, it's in the royal square in the presence of King Melromarc and the Pope."

"Thank you."

"Mirai" Kenta says, I nod and we run towards the royal square. Upon arrival my eyes widen as I come to a stop at the edge of the rink.

"Naofumi." I comment, "It really is him." Naofumi glares towards the opposite side of the arena.

"Lightning" I look towards Motoyasu who was holding up his spear as lightning started to build up at the end.

"Naofumi!!!" I scream and before I can think I sprint and appear before Naofumi my guns transformed into my shield.

"Who is that?!" the crowd shouts.


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