Chapter 9: Zombie Dragon? Plague? Nah, It's Just Your Imagination

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Mirai Iwatani Level: 26

Kenta Level: 26

"Are you sure it was a wise decision to leave them behind?" Kenta asks as I finish a sketch of a monster. "After all you are supposed to be working together, not individually."

"Have faith in my brother. I have no doubt in my mind that he's going to win." I say as I look at the carcass and make some changes to the sketch.

"Well yeah, but that's not-"

"I know what you mean Kenta, but I feel like if I get myself involved in fights between them it feels like I'm invisible." I comment, "I mean look at Moronic Motoyasu everything I said went in one ear and out the other. Like seriously why would you believe every single lie that is totally obviously not one. If you have doubt's the first thing you would do is ask the source wouldn't you?" I throw up my hands, "Does common sense even exist in this world?"

"Common sense here means" he puffs out his chest and places his hand over his heart, "Believe everything the royals say because they're always right." he mocks.

"Right?" I reply and we share a laugh.

"Mirai" I glance over.

"Afternoon Ren." I greet and stand up, "What have you been up to?"

"Defeating a dragon." he states.

"Is that so?" I comment, "Are you sure you defeated it?" he glares at me and crosses his arms.

"Are you doubting my abilities as the Sword Hero?"

"No, no not at all." I reply, "Right?" I ask Kenta.

"She's doubting you." he says.

"Kenta!" Ren draws his sword.

"I'll prove to you how strong I am, draw your weapon." he states.

"Kenta tricked you." I tell him, he glances at Kenta who had transformed and was running away. "Hey! Don't run off like that!" He jumps into a tree. Ren slashes at me. I dodge it and hold up my hands.

"There's no point in fighting each other." I say, he continues to attack while I dodge, "We can just talk things out. I'd rather not fight a fellow hero." I duck and he sinks his sword into a tree.

"While it is true that you were summoned here like the rest of us" Ren states, "Don't kid yourself. You were just accidentally summoned, there is no such thing as the Fifth Cardinal Hero." he yanks his sword out.

"You're the one who is kidding yourself." I reply, he swipes at me, I grab my guns and transform them into a shield blocking his attack, "Take a good look at yourself Ren. You may be able to handle quests all by yourself but when it comes to the waves, we must work together." I push back and shift my shield into the spear and proceed to attack him. "Even if I was summoned by accident, without me here to help I doubt any of you will survive until the end." our weapons clash and we both jump backwards my spear shifts to gun and I shoot. "I am aware that I have not been fully involved in the defeat of the first wave" he blocks my bullets with his swords, unable to come closer, "but the waves will only get stronger so it's time we stop this senseless fighting and unite."

"That's not going to happen." he states and vanishes, I close my eyes in concentration for a moment. "You would just hold us back!" My eyes snap open and I cross my two guns reforming the shield as Ren's attack bounces back. I grab revert my guns grab Ren's arm, pull him forwards, and pin him to the ground he glares up at me.

"Don't look so surprised." I comment, "Though I may not look like it I know some martial arts." I get off of him, grasp his wrist and pull him onto his feet. "Kenta is nothing but a trickster who can fight, you shouldn't believe what he says. If I doubted you I would've said so from the beginning." I inform him, "I know you are strong but that's not what I meant by my earlier comment."

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