Chapter 20: Betrayal and Death

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Mirai Iwatani  Level: 41

Kenta  Level: 41

"Mirai, wake up," a gentle voice coaxes me, "Wake up, or I swear I'll drop ya,"

"Huh?" I open my eyes to have my backend land on something hard, "Ouch, that hurt,"

"I told you to wake up," I look at Kenta.

"You're not gentle at all," I complain as I rub my backside, "Owww,"

"Of course not. Where'd that come from?" he questions.

"Never mind," I look around, "Where am I?"

"Not in the wagon,"

"If that wasn't completely obvious," I reply, "Are we at the queens?"

"No, we were invited to stay in some lord's mansion with a funny name for the time being," he tells me.

"This isn't good," I stand up and look over, "There was a bed right there; you couldn't have dropped me on that,"

"My arms were tired. I carried you out of the wagon and up a grand staircase," he defends, "What were you dreaming so hard about? You were out cold during the whole trip,"

"Oh, just the time you attempted to kill Chief Takehiko," we left the room.

"Yes, but it got you out of your defeated funk, right? You even summoned holographic-like forms of the four cardinal weapons," he states, "Why haven't you done that again? It's a powerful move,"

"It slipped my mind, okay," I tell him.

"Really? A move that strong slipped your mind?" he questions.

"I don't know, okay, and in case you ask. Yes, that move is still in my sketchbook," he said, stopping immediately. I glance over, "What?" The next thing I knew, he was in front of me, had somehow snatched my book, and was flipping through it as he left the room.

"If it's here, how could you forget it?!"

"Look, I told you I don't know!" I snap, "Maybe there hasn't been a need for it!"

"Are you nuts!" he argues, "You could've used that to finish off the Hellmoo, or better yet, you could've used that against Glass and the Soul Eater!"

"Oh," I comment.

"That's all you've got to say?!" He snaps.

"So what if it is?! I can't help it that I forget things too! I'm only human, y'know!"

"Bah, being human has nothing to do with memory," he swats away my argument as we arrive at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yes, it does, believe it or not," I say.

"Mirai, you're awake," Filo greets us as we enter the dining hall.

"How are you feeling?" Raphtalia asks.

"As good as can be," I say, sitting across from Naofumi, "Sorry for sleeping so long; what'd I miss?" He glances over at me before his gaze shifts to the left. I look over, meeting the eyes of a purple-haired young man with glasses.

"It is good to see you feeling better," he greets with a warm smile, "My name is Rikenaught, and I am the lord of this town," he introduces himself.


"Mirai Iwatani, the Fifth Cardinal hero, correct?" He gestures.

"I am, but how do you?" I pause, "The rumors right. I assure you, sir, I am n-" he laughs softly.

"Rest assured, Ms. Mirai, I do not believe in rumours," he states, the side doors open, "There's lunch," he says as the staff places our plates in front of us.

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