3. We are all just trying to find our source of happiness-Eddie Munson<3

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"He didn't do it!" I shout to the police who are currently standing outside Eddie Munson's trailer. "We have the rights to believe that he had something to do with Chrissy Cunningham's death", "where is the evidence?, you can't take anyone under arrest unless there is evidence". "She was found dead in his trailer, I think that is enough evidence" one of the coppers argues back. I storm off and fight the urge to go back and shout at them all, and calling them every profanity under the sun. I have known Eddie since we were kids and have been friends for the longest time, so I know for a fact that he had nothing to do with Chrissy's death. But it is trying to explain that to the police. They're just trying to find someone to pin this on so they can move on and get on with other things.

I cycle over to Dustin's to see if he has heard anything about Eddie's whereabouts. I bang on their door and am welcomed by Dustin, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Max and Mike. "You need to tell me everything you know!". So they do. Sitting down in the Henderson's dining room. I'm shocked. "He is hiding out in the cabin, we were actually about to find him. Your free to come along as well", "damn right I am". I run out the door and get on my bike and begin cycling in the direction of his hideout. I can't imagine how scared he is right now. I hear the others catching up with me on their bikes. 

20 minutes later, I arrive at the cabin way before the others. I throw my bike down on the ground and run to the doors. Slamming them open. I hear a gasp and he runs to me, expecting someone else he is holding a stick as a weapon. "Hey Ed, it's just me" I whisper and I hear him let out a breath of relief. He pulls me tight into him, wrapping his arms around em and holding me. "I didn't do it Y/N" he cries out. "shhh, I know you didn't" I reassure him. Then more people run in and Eddie startles. "Hey Eddie!" Dustin shouts. Steve nudes him warning him to keep his voice down. "So Munson, we have a conversation we need to talk to you about" Steve announces. "No kidding" he replies sarcastically. 

"This is going to sound crazy but what happened to Chrissy is real. The things that happened is going to happen again and it will continue to until we figure out a way to stop it" Dustin states. I look to them all.... "someone care to fill me in?". "Yeah so, Chrissy came over to mine to buy the strong stuff, said she needs to relax. Then I came back  into the room and she was in the air, eyes rolling back in her head and ear splitting cracking noises. It looked like there was someone breaking all of the bone sin her body. But no one was there that I could see, and now I'm assuming they are trying to pin her death on the freaky guy, right?" I nod. 

After they have all explained to Eddie about what we will have to do and what will happen, they leave. "Y/N, you should leave too, it's late and your parents will go ballistic". "I already told them I was staying with a friend" I answer. "What? when?". "Well I saw the po po outside your place and went into my mum and said that I'd be over Sarah's. Then guessed that if anyone knew what has happened it would be henderson, so I cycled to his and they told me where you were, but even if they hadn't I would have stayed out all night looking for you, so don't you try giving me all that bullshit, I am staying here with you whether you like it or not". He looks at me, his eyes glistening. "Your the greatest. You know that right?" he tells me. I just nod.

It gets dark out, meaning there is no light in this cabin. I lean my head on Eddie, never letting go of him again. 

"Eddie, I have to admit something. Will you just shut up and let me say it?" "yes". 

"After finding out that you had 'runaway' I was panicking like I hadn't before. I then found out why you ran away and couldn't imagine the anger and sadness you were feeling. All I knew is that I had to find you. When I did I have never been so relieved. It was a massive weight lifted off my shoulders... I guess what I'm trying to say is.... ever since that first day we met, I knew that I needed you, knew that no matter how long it took i would one day confess my feelings for you. now you might not feel this like I do but I can't keep holding it in. I can't imagine waking up one day and you were gone and feeling regret for never getting to experience love". He looks at me, that's all he does. I see a singular tear fall from his right eye. 

"I love you Y/N. I have the entire time we've been friends, in a world such as this one I realise now that there is no time to waste. We are all just trying to find our source of happiness. And you are mine". I look at him in disbelief. Then pull his face to mine and smash our mouths together, becoming one, after all these years.

He lays down and pulls me on top of him, my legs on either side of his body, my hands tangling in his long brown curls. His hands resting on my ass. I feel my belly fluttering, his touch leaving goosebumps up and down my body, causing my head to feel dizzy. I subtly grind into him. The kiss continues for about 10 more minutes until I remember he hasn't eaten anything for a couple days. "Shit hang on" I say dragging my body off of his, earning a groan from him. I grab the bag Dustin packed full of snacks and throw it to him. "Eat" I demand. "Yes, Mum", he grouches. 

After he has done eating he pulls me back into him, but this time he just kisses me then lays me down on his chest. I hear his heavy breathes as he falls asleep, hearing the whistle of his nose as he snores. I grab a blanket from my bag and set it over us, he stirs but I get back cuddled into him and as soon as I know it, I am fast asleep, drifting off into some false reality.


You Give Love A Bad Name- Eddie Munson.Where stories live. Discover now