7. Summer of 1986. (PT6)

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I saw Steve and Y/N. I saw them... I saw them kiss. So it was him. Why?. Why did I somehow manage to convince myself that she could ever fall for someone like me?. She has always been way to good for me, way to good for the life I'd give her. It's always him. Everyone falls for Steve. 

When I saw him put his hands around her waist, I couldn't help but feel this insane jealousy toward him, I couldn't help but despise him in that moment. 

*Present Day*.

"So Grandma didn't end up liking you? why is she here now? does she hate you?" Jacob frowns. "It doesn't always start with both parties falling for each other... sometimes it is right person wrong time. In the end it all works out". 



Eddie and I drop everyone off, when Dustin gets out, I climb into the passenger seat. "Ed". He pulls his attention away from the road for a second. "Huh?" he answers. "You okay?". He smiles, "yeah of course, been a busy day, just tired". I nod, I know what he means. 

"So what's happening at 8?" he asks me. "Oh uhm Steve asked me out" I reply. "So he is the guy you were talking about this morning?". I feel my face what up and I can't hold back my smile. "Yes".


I decide not to dress too fancy but I put on my tight flared dungarees with a skin tight crop top filled with bright colours. Wear my doc martens and curl my hair. 

I walk out of Eddie's bathroom and he is standing in the kitchen cooking something, his uncle in his chair asleep. Eddie looks at me....


She looks absolutely astounding. The curves of her body. The blue of her eyes really popping with all the colours making them stand out. Steve sure is one lucky guy, I'd hate for him to ruin this. Well no... I lie. I'd love for him to ruin his chances, it means I can swoop in and awe her, what I mean is I'd hate for him to hurt her, because then as her best friend it is my responsibility to fuck him up. So I hope for his sake he doesn't take advantage of her kindness. 

You know when you see that person and have to take a minute to catch your breath, because sometimes seeing them knocks the air from your lungs. I start pouring the hot water and nearly spill it all over my hands when I see her looking at herself through the mirror, trying to get every stray strand of hair down. 

There is a knock on the door, she grabs her purse, "see you later Ed" she says running to me and hugging me.

 Another minute of catching myself.

She runs out the door before I can say anything else. I see Steve out the window holding a bouquet of roses. Ha! if he really knew her, he'd know her favourite flowers are sunflowers. Another point to Eddie, minus to Steve. She kisses his cheek, takes the flowers from him and holds one of his hands as they walk toward his car, which is way cooler than mine. He has to get a point for that, gotta give credit where credit is due.


He hands me roses, not just any roses, yellow roses! my favourite colour!. When he gets to know me better, he'll know that sunflowers is the way to my heart, but this is our first date.

He opens my door for me, like a true gentlemen then closes it once I'm in. Once he is in beside me, he starts the engine and takes another peak at me, "you look ravishing", I feel my face heat up. "Awe. Look at you, you've gone all shy" he teases. Pulling out of the trailer park and starts up on the main road. "So Harrington, where would we be going?". "I didn't have time to book a table for a restaurant, so what I did was to pack a picnic". I grin like the cheshire cat, from one side of my face to the other. I like these spontaneous dates, when neither of us know what exactly will happen, but we know that something will. 

"YOU REMEMBERED!" I practically squeal with excitement. I told Steve a couple weeks back that one of my favourite past times is finding abandoned places and exploring them, I love hearing the history behind the places. And here he is, taking me to an abandoned train wreck!.

He opens my door for me, holding his hand out for me to hold onto. I feel electric sparks going through my hand. He raises it to his lips and presses a soft and tranquil kiss to it. I look at him all the while he places the sweet gesture. "Thank you Steve" I blush.

He has one hand in mine then the other is carrying the picnic basket. We get closer to the train wreck, climbing through the broken doors, and finding a suitable place to sit, making sure there is no glass on the ground, he places the blanket down and helps me sit. I look around in disbelief. I'm seriously surprised that he remembered this. It means a lot.

I grab things from in the basket, "wow Steve. I'm truly impressed. PB&J sandwiches my favourites", I see watermelon, strawberries, cookies, takis. Everything that I would have picked. "Why do you seem surprised?" he asks me. I look at him sheepishly. "Well it's just Nancy always went on about how you were a bad boyfriend and I know that your busy with so much other things. I never thought you liked me that much to remember little things about me", he places his hand under my chin, "I was an immature little shit when Nancy and I were together, but trust me I have seen enough and have matured a hell of a lot", he says, his lips lightly brushing mine as he speaks. "I never believed her" I admit. He beams, his smile causing some sort of chemical imbalance in me, then his lips attach to mine, locking into place, my breathing hitches as his lips create a slow and rhythm. 

The food is almost all gone, we have been talking and sitting here for about 2 hours 30 mins. 

I have found out so much more about Steve in almost 3 hours than I have in the few years I've known him. I start to realise why Robin is such good friends with him. When you sit and see him, he changes. He's caring, loving, and gentle. 

I look out the wrecked windows and see it is pitch black outside. the stars appearing. 

I feel him watching me. I slowly turn to face him, his lips parted. One of the most handsome men I've ever laid my eyes on. One of them.

We stare at each other for awhile longer until I finally make the first move. I fall into his arms and connect our lips. He lays us back, him on top. His lips never leaving mine. I feel giddy, I never imagined I'd be able to make Steve like me back. His hands tangle themselves in my hair, his lips picking up pace, he groans. I meet my hips to his, I stop breathing for a second, realising what I just did. "SHIT. What's the time?" I ask him, ruining the moment. "Oh um 11:30 pm". "Fuck I need to get back, they will kill me!". "Who will? your parents?". Oh yes, that was what I forgot to tell him, "no, im sort of living with Eddie and his uncle", he looks at me like he just saw a ghost. "Your living with Munson?" I nod and clear up the space we were at. "He lives in a trailer. How do you all fit?". Damn, this is why I didn't originally want to tell him. "He does like in a trailer", "so what that is 2 bedrooms, do you sleep on the couch?", saying yes would be the easier conversation but I don't want to lie to him, but maybe I should, just for the sake of our relationship?. "Yeah" is all I say. 


We get back to Eddie's and I say goodnight, kissing his cheek, then running into the trailer. 

Eddie is asleep on his bed, I look at him for a second. he looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I always knew Eddie was handsome, but until now, I never properly noticed that is so much more than that. He is beautiful. His brown eyes, his long hair messed around on his pillow. 

I go to the bathroom and take a long hard look in the mirror, for the first time in my life, I have guy problems. Seeing Eddie so relaxed was chilling to me. 

I take off my makeup and change into my pyjamas. Once I am done in the bathroom I get back to Eddie's room, keeping the light off, trying to navigate my way round his room without knocking anything. I find the bed and slowly crawl down it so I am next to Eddie. 

I lay awake for a little while. All until I feel his arm stretch out and wrap around my waist. Making me fall asleep....

What have I done?


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