11. Summer of 1986. (PT10)

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*Present Day*

"Grandma suddenly realised you were her person". "Exactly. Though not everything was always simple. Sometimes we'd get in these huge arguments but then we'd always make up. Love is not worth losing over a silly argument". 



Y/N was talking today about how she wishes she'd had better parents. Saying that after seeing how her parents divorce and witnessing how it ruined her father, she has been warned off of weddings, or ever getting married. "You even if it was the right person, you still wouldn't want to get married?". "Especially if they were the right person", she says. We sit down in front of the lake, watching the sun skip off the waves. "What! why?" I say annoyed. "Because... my father was always going on about how mum was the most beautiful and amazing woman he'd ever seen in his life, I saw how bad the divorce hit him and look at him now! I couldn't imagine getting married to the person I love the most, especially if it will just end in heartbreak!" she confides, getting just as agitated. 

"I don't believe that Y/N. Not all marriages end in a divorce", "no but enough do and I wouldn't be able to deal with the pain that would cause". "So your saying if I got down on one knee right now and asked you to make me the happiest man alive and marry me, you wouldn't say yes?!" she just shakes her head. "It's not because I don't want to be with you for as long as I'm alive, it's just that if it did end it would be so much dirtier and harder to deal with if we were married". "Also Eddie, babe we are only 18. Thats way too young to be getting married" she laughs. "I meant it rhetorical Y/N. But atleast I now know to never ask for your hand in marriage", I say trying to act unfazed.

"Look. It might all change in the future, who knows. But I can't imagine ever being married, ok. If you don't like it... then I don't know what to tell you" she adds. "YOU NEED TO STOP LETTING YOUR TRAUMA GET IN THE WAY OF YOUR HAPPINESS GODDAMMIT!" I shout, she looks at me and walks away. 


I try to conceal my tears but somehow what he said hit the mark. I look around and see Steve, Nancy and Robin looking down at us. They turn around when I see them. I pick up my pace and run past them, tears falling unwillingly from my eyes. 

"Wait Y/N!" I hear Steve shout behind me, he catches up with me when I throw myself down on the steps near our cabin. "What was all of that about!?". "Because I don't want to get married" I admit. His jaw drops and he looks angry. "Where I think you have every right to be affected by the trauma that your parents caused, I also solely believe that Eddie is a little bit right. Your trauma shouldn't be making decisions. You can't let it control your life. It was hard what you went through, I get that. But you have to seperate your trauma from your happiness". He says to me, a smile on his face. 

"Shut up Harrington" I say and nudge him. "You know I'm right, you also know Eddie is right". 

We take a break for a couple hours and eventually when we all decide to end the day and go to bed, Eddie and I are forced to wither talk it out or go to sleep angry, and no one likes that. 

"I'm so sorry for what i said Y/N, If you don't like the idea of marriage I should have respected that and not get so pissed off at you it's just that I can one day see myself asking you to marry me and it hurt when you said you wouldn't even marry the right person" he says all at once not taking a breath. "It's not that I wouldn't marry, it's that I can't see myself getting married. In the future if by some miracle you can still deal with my bullshit and we are still going strong then of course I'd say yes to marrying you, but you have to meet me in the middle, I am still dealing with all the shit I was put through as a child and i am only just finding happiness" I reply. 

"I love you Y/N" he says, pulling me next to him on the bed. I lay my head down on his chest and listen to the quiet beating of his heart. "I love you more Munson" I remind him. 

*Present Day*

"There was also the time just before we finished high school where I was convinced I should break up with her because I felt she deserved better"....



"What are you talkinG about Eddie!?" she cries. "I want you experience new people, I want you to try new things before knowing I am the one you want to be with. You deserve to know more than just what life would be like with me. You deserve so much more than what I would give you!" I shout back. 

"There is nothing worth living for without you Munson! can't you see that! have I not proved enough that you are he only man I'll ever want" She falls to her knees, her hands laying on my legs whilst I sit on the edge of the bed. 

"Please don't make this harder than it already is" I bellow. 

"I would rather live in the cold and damp streets with you then live without you Eddie!" I look at her. I see the pure sadness in her eyes and realise that what I'm saying is stupid and that no matter what this woman is my life and my future wife. How could I throw that all away because of a silly insecurity? I ask myself.

*Present Day*

"And trust me boy, there were a lot more arguments but no matter what we always made it back to each other. And there will one day be someone out there for you, you just have to give love time to find you". Jacob looks up at me from under his quilts with big brown eyes. "I love you grandpa" he says, laying down into my side. "I love you more" I say. Hearing the light hiccup of his snores.

I get into Y/N and I's room, she is sitting up in bed, looking at the door as I walk through. "And I'm so glad none of those ridiculous arguments tore us apart. Where would I be without my freaky Munson". She says as I get into bed, placing a soft kiss to my lips. "Even at 65 years old and 35 years of marriage you still manage to take my breath away" she whispers. "I love you Mrs Munson". "You still love boasting about that huh?" I just nod. 


You Give Love A Bad Name- Eddie Munson.Where stories live. Discover now