15. You aren't no deadbeat.

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"Is he here?" I ask the pretty girl that obviously works beside Harrington. "Is who here?" she questions me. Before I can answer her, I see the hair running through the door, with a smile on his face eager to come say hello. "Y/L/N" he shouts running toward me. I start laughing as he swings me in his embrace. "Harrington" I reply wrapping my arms around his waist, "she's back, she's back!" he jumps excitedly. "You got the job" I shout when he puts me down, "I got the job!" he replies pretending to play trumpet. We both start laughing uncontrollably and he hugs me once more before looking back at the girl. "Robin, this is Y/N, Y/N this is Robin" he introduces us. "Hey Robin" I say, she shakes my hand smiling. "Harrington, how many kids are you friends with?". I start laughing, "she isnt a kid!" he sighs. "No, I am not. I'm just short, I'm actually 18, nearly 19" I announce. She looks shocked but I get this all the time. 

"Could I please get some chocolate brownie ice cream?" I ask either of them. Robin gets it ordered in as Steve stands beside me, continuing our 'in depth' conversation. "How was California?" he asks me. "It was alright, had to spend the whole time with my grandparents which was nice but if i'm being honest also sort of boring", "would have been so much funner if I was there huh?" he says. I shove him, "it would have". Robin hands me my ice cream with an ahoy at the end. 

Steve tells me to sit down and wait 10 ins for him to come on his lunch break, so I do that. A secret that no one knows... I've had a huge crush on this man since we were both 11. I always got told that he saw me as a little sister and that he was way out of my league and he was, he still is. But I'd be lying if I said I don't sometimes dream of him pulling me from a crowd, holding my face in his hands as he speaks just a mee few inches from my face, close enough to feel his breath meet my lips, 'I love you Y/N, I have for as long as I have known you and it has been killing me not telling you'. But if I am being honest I know that that would never happen, he was a high school jock, he had every girls attention, he could walk into a room and everyone's eyes would be on him, even the guys, through admiration. When Steve has been with a girl they have always been the hottest of the hottest, and I am average. When I walked through those school corridors people would look at me like I had something vulgar written on my forehead, I was part of the what populars would call the 'nerds'. Steve was the only one however that would stick up for me, but well with everything that happened with Billy last year, Steve started losing his status quo. 

All of my life I have been told by the boys I have lied that they see me as one of them, one of the lads. I think that what made me start realising that Steve Harrington would never pick someone like me out of a crowd of popular girls.

Now that he works at 'Scoops! Ahoy' I'm sure the girls only go there for him. 


Steve joins me at the table and still the ice cream cone off of me, "hey!" I whine. He grins wickedly at me, making me blush. "So tell me honestly how was California", I look at him and smile. "California was alright. Like I said would have been funner if I had my best friend there to annoy me but yeah, it was alright". 

"I missed you this summer...." Steve starts saying until we are bombarded by Dustin. "Y/N!" I laugh at him and pull him in for a side hug. "Henderson's back!" Steve shouts loud enough for everyone in the mall to hear him. "Seriously Steve! could you be a bit more quieter" Robin says grouchily from behind the ice cream bar. I chuckle. 

"We finally have the infamous trio back together again" Steve says high fiving us both.


After Steve finishes work at 3pm he drives us back home. "So Y/N, got any plans, working anywhere?", "as far as life goes, no I have no fucking idea what I want to do, who I want to be and where I want to be", "wow... sounds fun". "Yeah well you know, when you have grown up with deadbeat parents you start telling yourself that what's the point on even trying to get somewhere when your fate is to just end up how your parents did". He puts his foot down hard on the break and pull to the side of the road. "I am so sick of you always assuming you are going to turn out like your asshole parents. You are so much better then they have ever been, your smart, you can go to college, start a business, you can do and get anything if you want it enough."

Steve looks at me and holds my face in his hands, "you listen to me Y/N. Don't you ever let anyone tell you that you will end up like those idiots, ok. Because I know you better than anyone and I know that that will never be the case, you are amazing and I will do everything in my power to prove to you how awesome, beautiful, funny, and clever you are" I look into his eyes, he does the same for me, as if really seeing me for the first time. Before I can say anything in response his mouth lands on mine, Steve's hands wrapping in my hair, tugging me closer to him. I hold my breath as he makes this sweet and sensual gesture. fireworks setting alight in my belly. His tongue finally making its way into my mouth as I wrap my arms around the back of his head and climb onto his lap in the driver's seat. Though as I do we don't get much farther as I sit down, lean back and accidently set the car horn off, making it sound so loud that anyone from ages away could hear. I startle and jump out his lap and cause the horn to go off again. "Fuck".

He stares at me and laughs, "well... I never saw that happening" he mutters, turning the key in the engine. I giggle and sit quietly back in the passenger side. "I'm sorry about that Steve" I whine. "What are you sorry for, I am the one that started the kiss". For the rest of the drive back to mine we don't talk, the music plays in the background. I get out the car and not a single word is said. Walking to my front door, I slam it behind me and run up to my room. 

The kiss just proved that Steve would never start anything with me, he only kissed me because he felt sorry for me. I just pray that this doesn't create any awkward tension between the two of us...

You Give Love A Bad Name- Eddie Munson.Where stories live. Discover now