2. Now I Know You Can Kill

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~3rd pov~

As they predicted, her training was ruthless. She not only underwent rigorous combat training, but also tests and surgery's to maintain her growth and regeneration.

She underwent the Memory Suppressing Machine again, and again, and again. She fully believed she was Shredder's one and only daughter, and Eric Sacks was her uncle.

She was tortured by being drowned in water, electrocuted, beaten, and thrown into a tight enclosed dark closet room for extra measure. Her memories were rewritten and created differently. Messing up her thoughts.

She believed she was only alive for Shredder, that if he were to die, she would too. Her life depended on Shredder, and nothing else. She was nothing without Shredder, her earliest memories were clouded, the only thing she remembered was her combat, with or without weapons.

She continued to kick the post again, her hands up and her palms slightly facing outwards as she swung her leg into the bag, moving her arms to give her more motion to add more power to the kick.

She was pressured and close to breaking by Shoju, he didn't give her any breaks, he made sure that she woke up at the earliest dawn and worked until dusk, no breaks were allowed.

If she even missed a second of kicking, he'd slap her to the ground and command her to redo the entire set once more. She couldn't handle it, but he made her. He had to prepare her for Shredder's test.

He yelled, he shouted, he hit and kicked, he punched and slapped, he beat and forced her to train, until she snapped.

She screamed before harshly kicking his left leg, causing him to fall to the ground. He groaned in pain as he held the spot where she kicked.

X-13 only watched him before screaming again and kicking him in the leg again, and again, repeatedly all over his body

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X-13 only watched him before screaming again and kicking him in the leg again, and again, repeatedly all over his body. She kept screaming as she kicked and kicked him down.

Before stopping and coming to her senses once more. She panted and tried to catch her breath as she watched Shoju cradled on the floor, still holding his leg.

She expected him to start cursing at her, but he instead began to laugh with joy. He looked at her and kept laughing before saying.
"Now I know you can kill, even unarmed."

Shoju was helped into the infirmary by other ninjas, and X-13 was escorted to Shredder's keep. Where he was sitting in a full lotus position, he opened his eyes to see X-13 standing there with the woman named, Karai, the same woman with the black and red hair.

"Where is Shoju?" Shredder asked with a low snarl in his voice.
"He's in the infirmary, she put him in there." Karai said, Shredder looked at X-13 and asked.
"What did you do?"

X-13 gulped before finally answering in English since she was taught by Dr. Foster how to speak English for four whole years, luckily she was still around for X-13.
"I lost control. . . And I kicked him in the leg. . . I am sorry, Father." She said.
"They said he won't be able to recover his leg. . . She gave him a permanent limp." Karai said when a ninja whispered the information in her ear.

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