9. The Slave

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~Y/n pov~

"Longing, edging, flames, daybreak, thirteen, irrevocably, nine, homecoming, unknown, dawn." His voice said, I held my head as I began to scream.

Those words. Those words. I can't- I can't fight the words. I must obey- no! I can't! I can't obey- I can obey! No!

"N-NO!!" I shouted as I held my head. I heard Leo's muffled voice, I heard Raph and Donnie, even Mikey, but I couldn't understand what they were saying to me.

I screamed before I couldn't see and couldn't hear my own thoughts anymore. Passing out and falling into the sunken place.

~3rd pov~

"Y/n! Y/n, what's wrong?!" Leo yelled as he tried to reach out for her.
"Donnie, get these gates open!" He shouted as he tried to force the gate up.

"Lift guys!!" Raph shouted as he pushed his up until the ceiling above him collapsed, crushing Raph underneath the rubble.
"No!!" Leo and Donnie shouted.
"Guys!! Something's wrong with her!!" Mikey yelled as they watched Y/n stand up straight.

"X-13, come." Baxter Stockman said, she approached the doctor before being turned around by him. He moved her hair aside and revealed the GPS lodged in her neck, explaining why she had that sudden headache in her mind and what poked her with Bebop hit her.

It was her body trying to alarm her that the GPS was triggered.
"Dr. Stephan was right about placing a chip inside of her." Stockman laughed.
"She's grown up pretty well, her rectus abdominis muscle is toned. You can even see them from here." Eric said as he lifted her shirt slightly, revealing her lean stomach.

"Come here, now, Daughter." Shredder ordered, Y/n walked to his side and looked up at him, Shredder saw the red glint in her eyes, knowing she was fully under his command.

"Extract your claws, and hold it against this Rat's throat.'' he ordered.
"Y/n!! Y/n stop!!''
"Break out of it!! Y/n!!'' the three brothers screamed at her, but she couldn't hear them, she only heard Shredder's commands.

The brothers opened the gates and ran to Shredder who made Y/n hold her twin claws at Splinter's throat. They froze and didn't move.
"Boys. . . drop your weapons, or your father will die by my pets' claws." Shredder ordered.

Leo, Mikey, and Donnie stared at Shredder with hatred until they finally gave in. Dropping their weapons and being betrayed when Shredder punched his dagger like knuckles into Splinter's chest and dropping him.
"NO!!'' they screamed until the Foot Clan attacked them, tasing them with shocks and cuffing them with secure iron like cuffs.

"Where's the fourth?" Shredder questioned his men.
"He's dead." The ninja said.
"Destroy this place." Shredder commanded to his men before the ninjas locked Y/n down, cuffing her hands behind her back and putting her to sleep with a tranquilizer.

"Keep moving!" The ninjas yelled as they escorted the brothers outside and continued to tase them with shocks until they entered the back of a semi-truck.

"Stay strong. Remember, pain's only in the mind!" Leo told them as they were shocked repeatedly.
"Move along! Go! Troop, go! Move! Move!!" The ninjas yelled.

April found her way inside of the lair and found Splinter lying there. She ran to his side and tried to move the debris off his chest. The debris in the tunnel was lifted and thrown into the wall, revealing Raphael who stood up and ran to Splinter's side.

"Sensei. Master." He said as he knocked the debris off with no struggle.
"Let's get him to the needle room." Raph said as he carried him away.

"Package is secured. En route. We're carrying four specimens and will be arriving at the estate in approximately 40 minutes." Karai told Sacks.
"Prepare the containment units. Inside those turtles is the most precious compound on Earth, the mutagen, inside that girl is the most important and rare metal and powerful substance there is. And we will drain every last ounce of their blood to get it, even if it kills them." Eric told his men.

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