15. Enemy

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~Y/n pov~

My knees were trembling as they soon gave out, I fell to my knees and looked at her. A panel in the wall opened up and injected purple ooze into the bear.

The body slowly shrank, the fur disappeared as it showed me who was really underneath the mask of the bear.
". . . Dr. Foster. . ." I gulped as I looked at her bleeding state.

She tried to say something, but my claws ruined her vocal cords as she choked on her blood. Reaching out to me with her bloody hand as she sobbed to herself, tears freely flowed down her face.

Her chest revealing where I had injured her. I crawled to her side and picked her up in my arms.
"No! No, no, no, no!" I said with broken words.

"You fight blindly, X-13. Now, for all of your betrayal and disobedience, you paid for your mistakes. By killing the one who was important to you." Shredder's voice said.

She cried but weakly smiled at me, her blood covered hand reaching up to my cheek as she looked at me in the eyes. She mouthed something weakly as she held my face, my tears fell on her cheek as she smiled.

"I love you." She mouthed to me, her eyes soon faded and her hand fell from my face as she stopped breathing.

It was like struggling to swallow down a still-beating heart. I was gasping for air, overcome with overwhelming emotions. All the pain, the torture, the screams.

The footage had the guts to even play a montage of her torture, I listened to her screaming, screaming out my name and the drills, the saws, the painful cries.

My breathing was faster, I let go of her body as I held the sides of my head. Beginning to cry uncontrollably as I shut my eyes, this was a plan, they planned it all. Tiger Claw was apart of it. Everyone was.

I fell right into their trap. I played along without knowing it. They used her as bait for me. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid! She's dead. She's dead because of me!

Barbed wired was strangling my throat as I tried to breathe, the pain was too much as I finally screamed as loud as I could.

I was numb. My voice was nothing as I screamed in anger and pain. Not from being beaten or clawed, but from brokenness and guilt. My mind spun as I remember everything she's ever done for me, she was my mother. My mother that I never knew.

My mother that I had killed.

This has to be a bad dream. It had to be. I'll wake up soon! Right? This was just a horrible dream. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

This was fake! Fake! Fake! I was going to wake up! This was fake! It was fake!

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I choked up, I held her body in my arms as I tried to feel her warm embrace again. But it was nothing but cold and lifeless,

"I'll kill them. . . I'll kill them for what they did to you. . . I'll kill every last one of them. . ." I swore.

~3rd pov~

The brothers found Dr. Foster's lifeless body, bleeding and dead. She was covered by Y/n's jacket, and Y/n was nowhere to be seen.

"Donnie. . . Where is she now?" Raph asked.
"She's still here. On the roof." Donnie replied lowly.
"Head outside, I'm going to talk to her." Leo said.
"Mikey, you'll talk to her later. I have to speak to her myself real quick." Leo added before running off searching for her.

"How come he gets to talk to her?" Mikey sighed.
"We should cover her up correctly." Donnie said before he went to search for a blanket or more clothing.

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