25. First Time

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~3rd pov~

Leo had placed Y/n's new katana on the wall shelf he just built inside of a new room for her. The brothers and even Splinter found a private space inside the lair and changed it into a bedroom for her, a great birthday gift for her.

"Raph! Wake up!'' Mikey said as he shook his brother awake.

Raph was about yell at Mikey as usual, until he finally realized that it was all a dream. He was woken up from it. A entire wave of disappointment and heartache rattled his body, he sighed and shoved Mikey away before he hopped down from his bunk bed.

"Hey guys!" Y/n smiled as she entered the lair.
"Angel cakes!'' Mikey grinned as he ran to hug her.
"Hey, Mikey!" She couldn't help but smile.

Raph looked away and saw Leo grinning as he approached Y/n.
"Happy birthday." He said.
"Thank you. I gotta change, Lady and Rubble got cigarette smoke all over me." She gagged.
"And alcohol." Leo added, Y/n laughed before Donnie came up and walked to her as well.

"We all have a surprise for you." He grinned.
"Another surprise? You guys, I haven't even given you anything, why are you still giving me gifts?!" She asked.
"Cause we wanna!" Mikey smirked before wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

Y/n only smiled at the gesture as Raph walked past Leo and Donnie as Splinter approached the group.
"Y/n, happy birthday." He said with a soft voice.
"Thank you, Splinter."
"Mm, my sons and I had came up with a birthday gift altogether for you. Since your girlhood is coming to end and your adult life is arriving soon, we thought it'll be good for you to have your own area."

Y/n eyes only widened when he said that.
". . . You're not kicking me out are you?"
"Pft, of course we're not angel cakes!" Mikey laughed.
"It's more like your own bedroom, since that boiler up there doesn't give you much privacy." Donnie said.

Mikey released Y/n and Leo tilted his head towards an area by the wall. He led her towards a semi large door that looked brand new, most likely from them building it up; Leo opened the door and inside was a oddly ordinary room!

A bed big enough for her, a makeshift desk and shelves that were neatly lined with her manga and books, even some new comic books most likely from Raph or Mikey. Her red scarf was folded neatly on the desk, she picked it up and wrapped it around her neck and shoulders again before seeing the bookshelf again.

Her katana was on a wall shelf above her bed, her skateboard right by the book shelf. Her staff was right below her katana as she covered her mouth and looked at the room. It was also lit up so the darkness didn't engulf the space, there was even a new guitar by the desk. Even a large light up cloud hanging on the ceiling with different yet cool posters over the room.

 Even a large light up cloud hanging on the ceiling with different yet cool posters over the room

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"Oh. . . My. . . Gosh. . . This. . . This is awesome! Holy crap! My own room!"
"Now you can sleep and do whatever you want inside here, instead of hearing Mikey snore all the time." Leo said.
"Hey!" Mikey called.

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