12. Tony the Tiger

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~3rd pov~

The orange colored fur and the sharp fangs snarled at the biker crew. A man approached closer and removed his scarf that covered his mouth, revealing his gnarly snapping jaws.

He snarled like a animal at the mutant beast.
"Tell me where the girl is, and no one will get hurt." The beast growled.
"Back off kitten, this is no place to be going around threatening my family." Black said back.
"I'm giving you one last chance, little birdie, tell me where the damn girl is."

Black didn't give him his answer, the mutant tiger sighed before chuckling.
"Fine, you made your choice." His voice growled, sounding just like a ferocious tiger. He charged straight towards Black until Snapper pounced onto the tiger's arm.

Biting deep into his flesh and reaching his bone with his razor sharp jaws. The tiger punched Snapper's gut before Rubble floated above a piece of cement beneath his feet.

Rubble, Snapper, Owl, Gia, Lady and Axel were mutants in Black's crew.

Rubble had the power of Geokinesis, he can create, shape and manipulate all forms of earthen materials, including dirt, soil, stone, mountain, sand, plantlife, etc.

Snapper had the ability able to teleport, roll, and bite the anyone with his deadly piranha like teeth that protruded through his cheeks and to his lips. Similar to a girl named Mileena.

Owl was a mutant who had a 360⁰ sight like an owl, she could see in the night like a cat, has incredible vision that even reveals an opponent's weakness on their body.

Axel was a mutant who could morph his body into anyone's greatest fears use whatever strength he gets, against them, whether that be a giant spider, a Boogeyman, or a demon that lived in your closet.

And Gia was gifted with Hemokinesis, this is the ability to psychically manipulate blood, she could harden the blood to be solid enough to pierce somebody's body or even cause their blood to kill them from the inside out.

And Lady who was Black's wife had the greatest ability of them all. She was capable of Power Absorption and Power bestowal: She could take another person's power/ability and store it for herself or decide to bestow it upon another human who can be anyone she chooses.

The mutant tiger attacked them when he threw aside Snapper, Rubble flew around the tiger and punched him in the back of the head before throwing a large chunk of concrete into the tigers body. Sending him flying across the street.

Black dashed over to him with his speed of wings and grabbed the tiger before throwing him across into a building. Snapper and Owl both ran towards the tiger before he grabbed his gun and aimed it at Snapper, Rubble blocked the gunshots by using bricks from the building that morphed into a wall for Owl and Snapper.

"Gia, use his blood and hold him down!!" Black shouted.

Gia was lifted onto the building by Black before she faced her palm towards the tiger, focusing on stopping his blood flow to his brain to cause him to pass out.

The tiger roared until four shadows kicked him backwards. The mutants didn't see the speed besides Owl, she watched the giant turtles fight the beast until she passed out from shock.

Lady picked her up and ordered everyone inside, knowing whoever it was had the tiger busy.

Leonardo dodged the sharp claws as Mikey knocked away the tigers claws. Raph took initiative to attack him, hand to hand. The tiger blocked his hits but got punched once, twice and four extra times in the gut, face, and ribs. The tiger jumped and kicked back Raph, Donnie tripped the tiger with his staff before Leo stomped down his foot, the tiger rolled away just in time to avoid being knocked out.

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