13. The Hunt For Dr. Foster

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~3rd pov~

Tiger Claw stood above a tall skyscraper, Tokka and Razhar who were the Snapping Turtle and Wolf mutants, they stood behind him as they watched the city.

"So what are we doing now?" Tokka asked.
"We find the kid. Take her and kill whoever gets in my way."
"Someone's edgy." Razhar whispered to Tokka.
"You morons have to help me, whether I like it or not. Distract those turtles, or the police. And don't get it my way."

Tiger Claw leapt off the skyscraper and found another area to land. Razhar glanced at Tokka and grinned.
"We can do something while we're distracting the police."
"And what's that?"
"Break out Bebop and Rocksteady. Kind of a fan of those idiots."


Y/n ran and leapt across different rises of the rooftops as she ran across. Speeding up and making sharp jumps above them.

Y/n ran to a edge of a rail and looked at a open terrace below, a perfect shortcut

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Y/n ran to a edge of a rail and looked at a open terrace below, a perfect shortcut. She grabbed the rail and kicked off the wall, flying across the open crevice and landing on a old edge before swinging inside of the terrace.

Running and jumping off once more.


The turtles arrived at the bridge and soon did April and Casey, Y/n was already there waiting. Y/n wanted to go ahead herself but knew she had to wait up for the rest of them.
"We need a plan to have a full search around Jersey. We have to split up." April said.
"Good thing this isn't a horror movie." Y/n mumbled.

"Splitting up around New Jersey? Who is going with who?" Mikey asked, "Can I go with Y/n?"
"I'm going with April, I need her for any distractions." Y/n said, "Mikey you can head off with Raph, I don't know about Casey."

"Whoa, whoa, splitting up right now isn't a good plan!" Casey said.
"Friday the 13th can scope around the city as a cop, giving us any sights of the city while Y/n and April can search through the streets. We can watch from the shadows and search for any signs of the doctor." Leo planned.
"If we actually do split up around New Jersey, we'll have a 58% chance of success to find more clues of Dr. Foster's disappearance." Donnie replied.

~Y/n pov~

"Okay, stay close to me, Cupcake." I said to April as we walked down the sidewalks, staying close to the buildings. April walked close behind me until I stopped at a specific building, I caught a scent coming from within.

I ignored the perfume and musk like scent but held onto the one with a minty and cigarette like smell. I proceeded walk to the door but was stopped by April.
"What are you doing?" She asked me.
"Heading inside."
"Y/n, we can't go in there!"
"Why not?" I questioned.
". . . It's a. . . Pleasure club!" She hissed.

I just grew a small smirk and headed inside, April called my name but broke and just followed me. I tucked my hands into my pockets as I walked forward.

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