27. Passion of Fashion

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~3rd pov~

Y/n told Splinter that she was going to head out but will be back soon, he wished her well and continued on to meditate. She exited the sewers and walked to Jim's Gym, she entered and already smelled sweat from the gym members.

"Y/n!" Rubble smiled before hugging her tightly.
"Gagh! Hey- Rubble!" She squeaked.
"I'm surprised you didn't hop on that bike yet, you scared you might fall?" He asked.
"Nah, I'm just gonna wait until the streets are empty, y'know. I don't wanna run anyone over yet." Y/n chuckled.

"Hey, where's Axel?" She questioned.
"He's in the back playing chess with Owl, why- oh, you're his model aren't you?" He asked.
"Yeah, might as well do something, plus I rarely spend time with Axel. I wonder how he's holding up now."
"Yeah, he's been guilty ever since of the incident that happened when he relapsed a few years ago." Rubble sighed.

The guilt washed over her again when she remembered Axel's cries, him yelling and crying for her to help him when in reality she couldn't.
"Yeah. . . I'm gonna go and catch him. Tell the rest I said hi." Y/n grinned.

She tucked her hands into her pockets and entered the back, seeing Owl laugh at Axel's dumb joke about nurses and medics.
"Hm- Y/n!!" He smiled before getting up to hug her, at least this wasn't the bone crushing hug like what Rubble gave her.

"Hey, Axel." She sighed as she hugged him back, he released her and proudly grabbed a box before running towards the staircase leading upstairs.
"Come on! Quickly! I need to get some perfect light on you!" He said happily.

Y/n followed him upstairs and saw an empty room filled with nothing but light, wallpaper and different equipment for a photoshoot.
"Alright, this box has different outfits that I've been waiting to use. They all should be your size, also, I may or may not fix up your hair doing this." He grinned at her.
". . . Axel. . . We're just doing a few shots, right?" Y/n asked.

Axel glanced to the left and back at her.
". . . Right?" She asked again.
". . . I think you already know. . ." He muttered.


"He's already gotten to work with Y/n." Owl said when Lady asked her.
"Oh, well, he's a fast guy. How's he been lately with the schedule?"
"He's good, consistent with the meetings. He's better than before." Owl grinned as she looked directly at Lady.

"Good. I wonder if he still thinks about it."
"Thinks about what?" Owl asked.
"About. . . Wait, you don't know?"
". . . Know about what?"
"Axel. When he. . . Nevermind, I'll tell you later."
"What?! No! Tell me now that you got me interested in it!" Owl begged.


Splinter was holding a pose on the pedestal as Leo approached him.
"Sensei, what did you add into my sushi? It tasted really good, did you add sauce on it?"
"Hm? . . . No, I don't believe Y/n mixed any sauce into your breakfast, Leonardo." Splinter replied as he lowered himself to the ground.
"Oh, so you- Wait, Y/n made it?" Leo asked.
"Mm hmm, she did. I just had to instruct her what to do. But she made the entire roll herself." Splinter said.

Leo choked on his words and glanced at Donnie working in his lab before looking back at Splinter.
". . . She's really good then, it was delicious." Splinter chuckled at Leo's answer before looking at him.
"Have you been meditating?" Splinter asked him.
"Uh, not that often actually."
"And why is that?" His father questioned.

Leo couldn't come up with a answer for that, he ransacked his inner thoughts for a response but came up empty. Splinter hummed again as he approached his books.
"You have a clouded mind, Leonardo. Something is distracting you, what is it?"
"It's nothing. I was just getting sidetracked." Leo added.

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