37. Impact

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~Y/n pov~

I cracked my knuckles while walking down the street, making sure I was hidden in the shadows. Different smells lingered around, but I stopped midway as I listened closely to the sounds.

The problem was, was that there wasn't any sounds. It was quiet. Too quiet. There should be some people walking around, cars, bikes, but nothing was here. I sniffed the air and caught the scent that was close by. The same one in Karai's apartment.

I snapped to the side—slashing my claws right into the wind and hearing the clattering sound of metal fall behind me. I sliced right through two shurikens that came flying from a high roof.

"Oh ho ho. . . So he was right, yer quite quick." Jennika chuckled, rising from the shadows. The moonlight revealed her silhouette, her scarf and her katana.

"Jennika." I snarled her name.
"X fuckin' 13." She sighed, she ran and jumped off the edge. Kicking off the railing and landing—turning it into a roll so she'll softly land on the ground.

Standing and watching me.
"I've been waiting to meet ya for a while now." She said, her hand reaching up and grabbing the hilt of her katana. Unsheathing it—the blade shining off the light from the moon. I heard it slice through the air as she stood in a defensive stance.

"Show me what you know." She added, her accent practically disappeared when she said that. Why would she want to fight? Especially with me?

She obviously knew I'm a mutant, she had to know that I'm one of the best fighters. She had to be planning something here right now. I stayed silent and stepped back, glancing at the rooves and didn't see anyone.

She couldn't be alone, especially with me.
"Why aren't you fightin' me?" She snarled, "You slow or somethin'?"
". . . ."
"Fuckin' answer me!" She snapped.

This was a trap.
"Ah, guess yer soft like that mutant fella. . . Black his name?" She questioned, trying to get a rise out of me, "One 'o our mutants was sent after him. Gonna kill him and that woman of his."

Black won't be killed. Not with me or the gang around him; I felt watched and in danger. Jennika wouldn't be here alone, none of them would. Shredder had to be waiting somewhere.
"He turned you into a coward, didn't he? You were ruthless, merciless, Shredder's star pupil. . . And here you are, refusing to fight and cowering away." She chastised me.

She threw another shuriken—sliced in half because of my claws. I backed away and kept my guard up, I ignored her words and didn't pay any mind to it. What was she doing? This was suicide for a human like her.

But that didn't seem to cross her mind when she ran at me, her blade raised to the side as she leapt towards me. Slicing her blade at my head, I jumped back and kicked at her knee—she moved her leg and ended up slicing my left cheek with a kunai before punching my jaw next with quick efficiency.

I hissed and jumped away. Raising my finger to brush the blood on my skin, my wound healing as I looked at my crimson coated fingers.
"You. . . actually hit me. . ." I chuckled.

Jennika smirked and held her blades tightly in her fists. Shredder is human and still fights me pretty well, she's probably just like him.

~3rd pov~

Axel was in the secured basement with Draken who was slowly waking up from his subconsciousness.
"Ngh. . ." He groaned.

Axel was given the task to watch Draken and to make sure he didn't escape. He could handle Draken's pheromone manipulation.
"Shit, I'm still here?" Draken muttered.

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