30. Two Teams

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~Y/n pov~

X-13_3GBY. . . X-13_3GBY?

"What. . . Wait, that was my number, but what's up with the rest of it?" I questioned as I looked at the screen page.
"X-13. . . Third Graded Beta Youngblood?" Donnie said as he clicked on the lastest update on the file.
"Third Graded Beta Youngblood? What- is that the monster that was taken away from that helicopter lift?" I asked.

"Not exactly, that thing was named Subject X-96, it was the lastest subject they created but now it says they recently deactivated the test. They're going to work on it while making this."
"So they're just putting X-96 on the back burner for now. . . But why are they making another subject?"
". . . Y/n, they're making a clone of you."

Clone of me. Clone of me? Clone of me! Clone of me?!
"What? No, no I'm the only one who was- . . . Shit!" I hissed holding the sides of my head.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! They probably do actually have my blood, that's the only way! My blood! Oh god. Oh god. No. No, they can't make another me!
"Donnie, Donnie, this is bad. This is very very bad!"
"I know it is. But what I don't understand is how they can make a clone of you if they don't have your claws."

Then I remembered what Donnie read out for us. Bones. I have bones, bones are natural for everyone. Bone claws. Natural bone claws.
"They're not going to use my claws for them, they're going to test out natural bones. . ."
". . . Of course. . . Oh no, this is all my fault!" Donnie said, blaming himself for this.
"What-? How's this your fault?" I asked him- walking in front of him.
"When I took you out of that cage, I didn't even think to check around for your blood- and I even said it couldn't be possible but I was wrong! Now they're going to make another you and-"
"Now it's going to be under more-"
"Donnie!" I said—holding his shoulders and looking at him straight in the eyes.

It was a quick but physical reaction, my mind finally settled on the fact that I was touching him. It was a quick three second time lapse, but my fingers took note of his skin. Reptilian and light patterns across his shoulders, I felt the solid musclar shape near the crook of his neck.

I could hear his blood pumping quicker when I placed my hands on his body—I let my hands slip away when he calmed down.
"Listen, this isn't your fault. You were focused on saving me, and for that, I'm thankful, Donnie. All we can do now, is see what they're planning to do next. Can we do that together?" I asked him.

He slowly recuperated and nodded his head a few times.
"Yeah, okay. Let's see what they're going to do now." He muttered, I stood aside and let him work on the keyboard. Then it caught my attention that Mikey and Raph were nowhere in sight, so was Leo?

". . . Where'd the other three go?" I asked Donnie.
"Uh? . . . Huh. . . Leo's probably cleaning, Raph is training and Mikey might be skateboarding."
"Hm. . . Anything show up yet?"
"Not much besides that they plan on making at least eleven clones-"
"Eleven?!" I yelped, I held my throat and calmed down.

Wait, since that subject isn't going to be coming back soon, I can probably get rid of this extra power. I'll have to find Lady again.
"Ngh. . . I might have to meet up with Lady again."
"What for?"
"To get rid of the whole screaming power."
"Once you get rid of it, you won't be able to get it back, remember?"
"Yeah. . . But what's the point now if that thing was situated and won't be out for a while?"

Donnie and I both glanced at the screens again.
"I can scan an isotopic signature with your blood to track those clones if they ever release them."
"You can- Oh crap, yeah, you can do that. But those clones will take some time wouldn't they?" I suggested.
"Hm, maybe they will. Oh, it seems they have a new scientist replacing Dr. Foster's place?"
"What? Who?" I asked.
"This file right here." He clicked on the profile and it revealed a young man who looked too young to even be a scientist.

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