23. The Urge

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~Y/n pov~

My mind was so exhausted and my voice and mouth felt so dry and sore. I slowly sat up and realized that I was on the couch instead of my bed. My head wasn't pounding, which was something I was glad of.

I looked around and held my neck, I didn't have my scarf on, or my staff around. The hell happened?
"Look who's awake." Leo said as he walked around the couch and in front of me.
"What happened last night? What'd I do?" I asked as I stood.
"Nothing much, just letting us see you drunk was all.''
"I drank?!"
"No." He laughed as he crossed his arms.

I sighed and looked behind me, seeing Donnie and Mikey fight over pop tarts as Raph was lying in his bunk reading a comic book.
"Then what'd I do when I was. . . 'drunk?' then." I questioned.
"Well, I wouldn't say mean or nice. . . You were rather. . . Flirty."
"I was what?"

Please tell me I didn't hear that correctly, please lord don't tell me I did anything embarrassing in front of them!
"You were saying how handsome we looked."
"Oh god."
"How much you loved Donnie for wearing glasses and having the most quirkiest voice."
"Oh god." I mumbled as I covered my face.
"Hugging on Mikey while he sat next to you all night."
"Please. . . No. . ." I whimpered.
"Saying how much you love Raph's tough voice-"
"Leo. . ."
"You even kissed me-"
"What?!" I gasped.

He just laughed and held my shoulder.
"I'm kidding about the last one, you just wouldn't let my hand go at all. You were holding onto it while you were attached to Mikey. It was a miracle that we even separated you two. You wouldn't let go and he wouldn't either."

I lightly punched his arm and groaned.
". . . I'm a clingy person aren't I?" I sighed.
"When you're drunk, yes."
". . . I'm gonna go and hit my head in the wall now." I said before beginning to walk away, he held my hand and stopped me.

"You could come and meditate with me instead, y'know. It's better than bashing your brains in out of embarrassment." He said with a soft smile.
"Pft. . . Fine, I'll meditate." I replied, he let my hand go and walked to the room where Splinter would help train me.

"You just have to get up here, sit with your feet resting on either leg and place your hands down on your knees." He said before sitting in a full lotus position on the circular ring.

I followed and sat beside him, I copied his position and closed my eyes. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out, even feeling relaxed.
"Feeling better?" He whispered to me.
"Still embarrassed but. . . A little." I replied in a hushed tone.
"Heh, that'll go away soon. . . You made us flustered last night too."
"You're making me less relaxed now." I whimpered.
"Ha." He chuckled.

I couldn't really clear my mind, I was still lost from not knowing what happened last night. I was lying down on the roof and Lady- LADY GAVE ME ANOTHER ABILITY!!

I was starting to panic, don't yell, don't scream, don't do whatever it takes to activate the screaming thingy. I sighed and tried to focus on the water running from somewhere else in the lair. But even that couldn't calm me, until I heard Leo's heartbeat.

I grinned as I listened to that instead, his rhythm was calm and smooth. It was a peaceful sound of a beating drum, my heart wasn't following it but I didn't care.
". . . . Your heart is nice to listen to. . ." I said without thinking.

And now I feel even more stupid-
"You listen to my heartbeat?"
"I have heightened hearing, remember?" I grinned.
"And it's calming?"
"Yeah. . . It's like a satisfying sound I could listen to all day. . ." I muttered.

I suddenly felt his palm gently being placed on my right hand. My eyes fluttered open and looked down at our hands. I glanced up at him and we both looked at each other, I again was put in a trance when I gazed into his blue eyes.

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