16. Tracking Her Down

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~Y/n pov~

I thought a good night's sleep will do me good. . . I was wrong. Nightmares kept me up instead. I couldn't sleep a wink at all, Dr. Foster's death was. . .

It was still haunting me. I couldn't think at all, I stayed up for like 2 minutes right now. I watched the darkness and listened to everyone sleep besides me.

Donnie slightly snored but wasn't all that loud, Leo was a quiet sleeper like Raph and Mikey just snored. Splinter was quiet as a mouse, or a rat should I say.

And I was just wide awake like Batman in the night. At least sleeping will avoid seeing her death replay in my mind over and over again.

I quietly crawled over to my bag and pulled out my manga, I used my night vision to read the chapters. I imagined trying to replace myself into the characters shoes.

What would it be like to be a hero? Having a hero name and crazy superpowers like flight and lazer eyes?

Manga was different of course, some had titans, some had grim reapers, some had quirks, and some had twisted lewd scenes but. . . I still enjoyed the fight scenes and the characters.

"Y'know staying up isn't healthy." Someone whispered, I held back my scream and looked behind me to see one of the brothers on the edge of the surface.

"Jesus. . . You almost gave me a heart attack." I whispered as I held my chest.
"Yeah. . . Sorry about that." From the voice alone I could tell it was Raph.

"Why aren't you asleep?'' I asked.
"Why aren't you?''
"One word. . . . Trauma." I whispered.
". . . Alright, good answer."
"And you?"
". . . I didn't hear you mumbling in your sleep, or even shifting around." He said.
"You can hear me from down there?"
"Yeah, you're pretty loud to wake me up. I'm a light sleeper.''
"Heh, I didn't expect you to be a light sleeper."

I set my manga aside and hugged my knees.
". . . I'm just shaken up is all. . ."
"I didn't expect you to not be shaken up after what happened. . . Y/n, bottling up your emotions isn't good for you."
"Yeah, that's what Leo basically told me."
"Leo told you that?"
"He said it's okay to cry. And I get it, we need to free our emotions but. . . I feel. . . Weak, when I do. If I let it out, I feel open and vulnerable."

Raph quietly sat down instead of kneeling and waited across me.
"What?" He muttered.
"Have you ever had any nightmares?"

He took a moment before speaking, but he did answer.
"Yes, I did have nightmares before."
"About what?" I asked.
". . . Nothing.''
"C'mon, Raph, you know I won't tell anyone."
"I don't really talk about my dreams with anyone."
"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours?"

He sighed and sat closer, just in case if anyone woke up or was listening.
"I just had a bad dream, about my brothers. . . One where. . . Where I wasn't able to. . . Help them."
". . . Help them?" I mumbled.
"Save them. . . Shredder found us again and there I was just trapped and. . . I watched as he massacred my brothers and killed our father in front of me. . . Even you." He said.

I looked up at his shadow figure in the darkness and wondered what he was feeling.
"But I woke up, glad that it didn't really happen."
"Must've been a relief."
"It was." He answered, "Now you."

I held my knees and rested my head on them before talking.
"I had a nightmare about Dr. Foster again. . . Dreaming of what happened yesterday. . . Or this evening? I don't know but. . . I saw the blood, her tears. . . Her cries. . . And even her screams from when she was being tortured." I whispered.

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