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"I believe this deal proves to be beneficial for the both of us. However I regret to inform you that the shipment of materials will be delayed."

Inside a room was Kal'tsit and Doberman from Rhodes Island and the company representative from Ursus.

"Can you elaborate on why the shipment was delayed." Kal'tsit's stare hardened.

A small bead of sweat was forming on the representative's neck. The glare of Kal'tsit's eyes was imposing to say the least, to the representative it felt as if Kal'tsit was interrogating him the whole time instead of making a mutually beneficial deal.

"As you might have heard the infected have been raising countless trouble in Ursus, especially the terrorist group calling themselves 'Reunion.'" The representative succeeded in keeping his voice firm even against Kal'tsit. "I can confirm fortunately that the materials we discussed will be here tomorrow at the crack of dawn."

"Then I will be back tomorrow then. I hope nothing else happens, I understand both of us are busy." Kal'tsit said in her famous blank voice and expression as she and Dobermann got up to leave the room.

"It's unfortunate that the materials we need were delayed. It will put the training I have to do with the apprentice operators on hold." Doberman's displeasure with the situation was clear to Kal'tsit but Doberman has never been one to complain beyond a sentence or two. "As you said I hope the materials will be here in the morning." Doberman pushed out that last sentence before the only sound heard were the busybodies of the people inside the building.

'I truly didn't expect to be in a hotel today. I wonder if Marth is lonely without me at Rhodes Island because I'm very lonely right now.' Apollo heart said this while looking at the small room he was assigned to.

Kal'tsit already informed the rest of the team in regards to the situation and how they are staying here for an extra day. Apollo was rather happy about this since he was planning to sneak out and explore the city.

"I may be nearly broke, I may not know where in the name of god I'm going, but I'm going to hopefully have a good time." Apollo said as he looked at the two moons and countless stars. He opened the window and looked down. He was easily about ten to fourteen stories high. Even in the world of Terra with arts and the above average physical capabilities of the inhabitants most wouldn't consider jumping at this height unless push came to shove.

Apollo made sure the coast was clear before jumping into the alley. The wind was blasting at his face causing his hair to flap around. As he fell the heat in his chest and arm increased as magically energy flowed into his hand. Once he was about a dozen or so feet from the ground he casted a wave of wind to lighten the landing, Apollo looked down at his feet to see small cracks. "Good thing I didn't do too much damage. Apollo slipped off any dust that fell on his white t-shirt and walked towards the city.

The city was both familiar yet unusual to him. It felt as if he was walking in a light fantasy/ sci-fi movie. The bright neon lights, loud foreign music and animalistic features coming in and out of his vision made him question if he was drunk. Apollo didn't fail to notice that he was getting glances from the other residences because he stuck out like a sore thumb. Ursus is known for being a cold country with one of it's most well known aspects being the northern tundra,

This aspect has caused Ursus's main source of fashion and showing off of wealth to be in the coats, hoodies and other thick clothing they wear. So for Apollo to be walking around in just jeans and a shirt had many turning their heads.

Feeling his throat getting dry Apollo decided that now was a good time to enjoy the local comedies of Ursus, within his vision he saw a food truck being operated by two people. The food resembled hotdogs and while Apollo wasn't the biggest fan of hotdogs back home, he wasn't opposed to trying new things especially in a new world. He checked his pockets to pull out some LMD he got from his paycheck at Rhodes Island. "I should enjoy having money now before my pay gets cut from me doing something stupid later on." He mumbled under his breath as he walked towards the truck window. On the wall next to the window was a small poster, while it was written in the Ursan language, under it there was a translation.

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