Taste of Combat

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If there was one thing to describe the current situation, it would be eventful. The first day for the cadet's joint operation with the police already has them chasing a smuggling organization.

"Are you sure we are still on their trail? There were so many forks in the road that I felt like you made a wrong choice somewhere." Ya said as they all kept running.

"Just shut up and follow me." Lin said as she sped up.

"Why should we listen to you, if it feels like we've been running for a while." Shen said.

Lin doesn't say anything, the only thing she did was take a left turn with the other two following them.

As if the world answered their questions upon that left turn a similarly steel door was seen, while not covered in blood like the first one rather it was covered in dirt and grim.

"Told you. Just follow me." Lin said as she went from a quick running pace to a full on sprint causing her two tails to flow like boat sails in the wind. "Everything will be easy." As she slammed her fist into the door causing a satisfying loud metallic ringing to sweep the underground halls along with the door being caved in.

"Ugh, what is that smell?"

Foul would be the word everyone thought when the smell of the now open room invaded the outside world.

"What the hell were they doing there? I swear I will kill whoever thought this was a good idea."

Lin said she kicked the door fully off its hinges. It was clear that she was clearly frustrated with the smell as each kick seemed to be filled with hatred along with her two tails standing upright. In her mind she wasn't mad at the fact they were doing something illegal but rather someone who dared to cause her to deal with such a terrible smell.

After a handful of kicks the door fell flat on the ground with another metallic sound.

"Now let's see-" Lin said as something was flying towards her at a quick speed, before she even knew what she was doing she tilted her head to avoid the object. The next moment she dashed to the side breaking line of sight with the inside of the room.

"Hide, there are more thugs!" Shen shouted as he dragged both Lin and Ya to the side of the door breaking line of sight.

"Just great, there are more people. Why is everyone getting in my way?" Lin said.

An entire bombardment of arrows were whizzing down the halls.

"Of course this is how our first mission went, we have this idiot after all." Shen said as he pointed to Lin as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I know damn well you're not talking, talk to me when you stop becoming sub-human." Lin said.

The two bickered before they noticed the temperature drop slowly but noticeably.

"How about instead of complaining now, do it after we get home. It's annoying." Ya said.

Ya reached her hand out and within moments a cracking sound was coming from her hand as a white mist started to flow from her hand. The next moment a shard of ice formed, then another, and another until a slab of ice in the shape of a rectangle was formed.

"Lin do you-"

Before Ya could finish speaking Lin grabbed the ice block by a handle Ya made and rushed into without listening to whatever Ya or Shen wanted to say. Lin stood up and rushed into the room without a care in the world.

"Focus on the shielder, bring her down and we can deal with the other two. Squads 1-3 focus on the shield, everyone else stay focused on the door." One of the thugs shouted.

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