Worker and Freeloader

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"Closure, why must you make me do this? You were spared before, I wished you would take that chance to change."

Scout was dumbfounded at the scene happening. There was a ring of people all of them taking a knee as if talking to nobility. In the center lay two people, first was Closure who was also taking a knee. Then there was Apollo, in hand was a wooden sword, something you would see in sword training.

"We live in a closed society, Closure, and we have all ruled that you will be demoted from head of the engineering department to my assistant."

There was slight movement from the others at those words.

"Yes, Chief Engineer Apollo." They all said in Unison.

Scout pulled out his napkin and alcohol once again to clean his goggles to make sure he isn't losing his mind at what's happening. After reconfirming that this was reality and understanding the meaning behind Kal'tsit's words he stepped forward.

"Y'all should wrap this up, Kal'tsit is coming down here in a few minutes." Of course those words were a lie.

Those words alone caused a slight frenzy between everyone. Similar to how children are trying to clean up the house when their parents are in the driveway, they all scrambled to get back to their work space.

All of them had different expressions but all of them had fear in them for the demon like scolding from Kal'tsit. They all know how heavy handed Kal'tsit can be at times. They all remember the time when Kal'tsit reduced Closure's pay for a month causing her to eat cheap noodles and not being able to pay for her various dramas she liked to watch.

In a matter of seconds the engineering department went from a large scale comedy skit back to building, and fixing machines. Apollo pushed the wooden sword into his chest and headed for the exit. Closure could be seen walking towards her office, Scout followed behind her. Her workspace is infamous for being covered in finished soda cans, and plates with food remains. However, the thing that surprises Scout was seeing Mechanist with her staring at something.

"Mechanist are you free by any chance? I need you to repair my crossbow." Scout walked towards the duo.

Mechanist looked up to give a quick glance at Scout's crossbow. His disordered appearance and deep eye bags were clear for everyone to see. "Sure. Give me 5"

Scout could only wish that Mechanist would get some sleep, quality or not. He turned his attention to what both of them were observing to find a small sphere under a machine Closure uses to study objects.

Mechanist runs his hand through his hand hair restlessly, a lot more than someone who barely sleeps should.

"It's like Nian's stuff." He said.

"So I'm not going crazy then because I thought the same. Actually it may be worse because at least with Nian's stuff I feel like I'm making some progress." Closure's shoulders slumped down. "Whatever this is, I can't seem to make any progress on it."

"What are you looking at this time? I've never seen you look this defeated since Nian strolled in here."

Closure faced Scout. "We are studying Apollo's spheres, I made sure that it doesn't hit anything too hard so it doesn't expand. I've been studying it for the last few days but to no success."

"She even sent it to workshop 3 and 6." Mechanist injected.

"Yep, and they are in the same boat as us." Closure walked towards a chair and sat down defeated.

"You guys have fun with that. Mechanist, I'll leave my crossbow on your desk."

"Loud and clear."

Scout left the room to the devices of two brilliant minds.

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