Inner Persona

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The flickering lights caused the already pressing matter tense for Marth and Cardigan, however the attacker didn't seem bothered at all. It was clear that this wasn't his first fight.

The attacker in white simply stood and waited. His mission isn't to attack anyone, personally he doesn't want to kill anyone. Blood on his hands would only make the authories want him and his team more than if no casualites happen.

"Marth, are you able to do it?" Cardigan asked, keeping her eyes on their attacker or rather the defender.

"The best I can do is launch fireballs and create weak barriers, it would be easier if you carry this on you." Marth said as she tossed a small gem that Apollo had given her before she left.

"That's good, just provide the best support we can. While I'm distracting him you will move past him. Our job is to find Closure and Warfraim, not to defeat him." Cardigan said.

The two of them got ready as the man in white simply stood there keeping an eye on his watch more than the two girls.


Cardigan said as she rushed towards the man in white. She threw a fake attack to her left. The man in white raised arm to guard against the attack, but Cardigan changed her target from his side to his legs. She got low to the ground and tried sweeping his legs.

The man in white quickly widened his stance causing the sweep to fail, he raised his hand to counter attack. As he launched his attack at Cardigan his fist was stopped when a slightly clouded circle appeared in front of him tanking the attack. This bought Cardigan enough time to create some distance between the two.

The barrier quickly crumbled away like broken glass. He looked up to see Marth with her hand out as a similar glow to the barrier.

"Nice thinking kid, fast and sturdy. That's the type of arts anyone would want on a team." The man in white said as he shook his hand.

The man in white didn't press the attack on Cardigan who likely would have been an easy target. To both Marth and Cardigan it was clear that the man in white wasn't fighting to kill, rather he was defending.

"I'm sorry but I would rather not fight at all right now." The man in white said.

Cardigan moved back until she was at Marth's side.

"Marth, do you have a way to block his vision? That's likely the only way we are able to get past him?"

"I don't but I could shoot some fireballs to kick up some dust." She said.

Marth did a quick inventory check to see if another item Apollo provided her was on her. As she searched her person another gem stone was in her hand. The gem was small with her palm being more than double its width and height.

She was told that when her back was pushed against the wall and nothing else seemed to work then put as much mana into this gem as she could. It would give her a fighting chance.

Marth's mind quickly ran through all the possible futures that could happen. At best she wouldn't need to use the gem and would succeed, however at worst is everyone dying because of her stubbornness to do what was needed.

"Cardigan, can you buy me some time?" She asked..

Cardigan looked into Marth's to see her hardened expression, seeing that Marth has a plan. "I'm not sure how long however, but I can try."

"Perfect, she makes sure he isn't focusing on me."

Cardigan, understanding what she needs to do, charged at the man in white again.

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