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"Lappland, I understand that the food is good but you don't need to devour the whole thing." I said as ate my food

Lappland dragged me to a food stand that was close to the main roads. The owner looked at us weird, explaining how they don't often get foreigners in the country. However things have changed recently with Karlan Trade opening up the country more and more.

I wanted to get more of the opinion on the country since Matterhorn while being a resident due to him being closely connected to one of the powerhouses of the nation then it's possible he may have a certain view of everything.

"Hey Lappland, do you want some more food? I'm about to ask for another order." I said as I stood up from the bench.

"I'll take another serving." She said.

I made my way towards the stall owner. "Hey, can I get another serving of everything? My friend and I enjoy the food." I said.

"Of course." They said.

"Actually if you don't mind me asking while you work can I ask a few questions?" I asked as I placed the LMD on the counter along with a tip.

"Ask away my friend." They responded.

"How do you feel about us foreigners? Kjerag was a fairly isolated country for a long time, which must be an odd shake up for everyone here." I said.

"It is. The Silverash family is pushing for opening up the country whether they get the approval of the other major houses and the Vine Bear council is still up in the air." The stall owner said.

"Why do you think that is? Opening up the country doesn't seem too bad, perhaps some good ideas can spring up." I said.

"I truly don't know, it's likely due to how religious we are as a people. My parents who are strong followers in the faith believe that since we managed ourselves well while the world around us did whatever they needed. We all know of how catastrophe ravage the lands of other nations yet it never came to us. So why should we open our borders to the outside world, it seems unnecessary." The stall owner said as they placed our order on the counter. "There you go."

I grabbed the bag. "Thank you for the food and have a nice night. May you find fortune in the Buddha" I said.

"Thank you and may Kjeragandr bless you." The stall owner said.

I made my way towards Lappland who was eating whatever pieces of food she could manage to find leftover. I place the bag on her head without letting go.

"Here's your food." I said.

"Thanks Apollo. " She responded as she grabbed the back from me and instantly started to eat without any sense of courtesy.

The food didn't last long.

"That hit the spot. I could sleep in peace now." Lappland said as she stretched her arms.

"So shall we head back to the inn?" I asked.

"Yeah, that would be nice." She said.

We got rid of our trash and headed back to the inn. Like Marth, Lappland passed out as soon as she hit the bed leaving me with nowhere to sleep. I would rather not sleep in the same bed as either one of them so I had to think of something else.

"Let's explore this place. It turned out well for me back in Ursus, maybe I'll learn something new here as well." I said to myself.

So I leave the inn once again and mindlessly wander around the town. As I walked through the place, I felt something cold and wet touch my skin. I looked to see it was a snowflake, then there was another, and another one. I looked up towards the sky to see countless snowflakes gently fall. I looked around me at some store front with various decorations on this display. multicolored lights strung about in every which direction.

I took in the air as I saw my own white breath escape my lips. I crossed paths with people as I walked past people, nearly all of them had gifts in hand. Everything here reminds me of Christmas. I started to remember a particular year, it was Shinji's first year in high school and winter break just started. I remember he ended his first semester of school with flying colors and was making great strides in his magecraft lessons, already surpassing what I knew at his age.

So I took him out to celebrate, at first it was just us two but he wanted to bring Olga. So in the end Olga, Romani and Marisbury joined us. I remember it vividly, the Christmas songs being played, the Santa costumes spreading Christmas cheer, the two kids running around and enjoying life.

Even the worrywart and workaholic of Romani and Marisbury enjoyed themselves. That was the first time Shinji got close to beating me in DDR, Olga was cheering him as he danced to the beat. It actually made me sweat seeing how good he's gotten, so he definitely was practicing when I was away.

Those were some good times. Moments like those where I didn't have to think about the future, where all I had to do was focus on what was in front of me. Moments like those make the crime against I was going to commit in the future all the more painful.

I've seen humanity at its lowest, filled with depravity and sin. The of those clouded by their sins, the eyes of those whose eyes are drowning in an endless despair, the eyes that are bathed in the fire of hatred for the world. I've seen it, I keep seeing it and I will never not see them. I will never forget their eyes as to forget them would be my greatest sin.

Yet I've seen humanity at its highest, cheers and comradery regardless of differences. The eyes filled with compassion, the eyes filled with cheer, eyes bathed in hope for the world, the eyes shining like the heavens. I've seen it, I keep seeing it and I will never not see them. I will never forget their eyes as to forget them would be my greatest sin. No person deserves to be forgotten no matter who they are.

The snapping of branches to me out of mind. I looked around me to see all those lights and storefronts replaced by the darkness of the night. Snow that reached halfway up my shins. The wind gently brushed my face as I looked up to the stars. The bright spots in the sky. I fell to my knees causing the snow to reach my hip, then I fell flat to the ground

My entire existence felt at peace. Few thoughts passed in my mind as I laid there. Why am I still here? I should have died back home. Perhaps this will make for a final resting place. No one will know. I will be lost to time and fade from everyone's memories. I will be forgotten, seems like a fitting end for someone like me.

"Time to get back up." I said as I got back on my feet.

I think back to my conversations with Kal'tsit. Under those unfeeling cold eyes she has I could see it, a woman who truly does care for people. Tackling a problem many would deem impossible, yet she runs for it. She runs so everyone else can run with no issues. It's weird to think about it but they have the same eyes.

"I can already hear Romani argue against that. He would likely say something along the lines of 'There is no way I have the same eyes as her, Apollo. I feel like I would die if she looked at me like that.' Yet at their core they care about people, they care about their world."

I made my way back to the inn only hearing the crunching of the snow and the howling winds.

It didn't take long for me to return to the inn, I checked back in with the innkeeper ignoring the odd looks they gave me. I was covered in snow from head to toe without a coat, I was simply in shorts and jeans. They gave me a robe, hand warmers and anything else to warm up. I thanked them before returning to the room.

Marth was sleeping soundly in her bed, tightly rolled in her blanket. Lappland was sleeping in the other bed, her blanket barely covering her showing her body to the world. If anyone tried to take advantage of this situation I would be more concerned for the person than Lappland, I feel as if Lappland is someone who could sense people's intentions even in her sleep.

I chose to sit in the chair that was in the room. It had a good view of the outside as some of the lights of storefronts started to shut off.

"I'll just call it a day here." I said as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Normally I would do something in my dreams, that could be practicing with a weapon or reviewing something. However tonight I just want to rest, I have a job to do tomorrow. 

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