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In one of the many buildings within the capital of Columbia, a hotel of average rating various people were meeting.

"Did we get any information yet?"

"No we haven't ma'am, our contact said that things are moving slowly but they are trying."

"I see, we'll give them more time. They haven't failed us once and I doubt this will be their first. Tell them they have three more days to get things moving."

"Understood. Is there anything else?"

"Singer, how is our threat evaluation?"

"From the information we gathered our main threats are the guards and the Lungmen guards but they will be more worried about their representative than the technology."

"I see, you are dismissed."

"Yes, Ma'am."

The woman ordering moved away from her minion and towards the window, looking down on the bright city covered in a layer of snow. As a cloud moved out the way of the moons shined brightly allowing the mostly dark room to brighten up. Its light allowed her black hair and green eyes to shine dimly.

"I never figured a client would want something as crazy as this. If things go well then, this organization of ours will be known and business will be booming."

The woman walked away from the window and sat back at her desk. On her desk were files neatly organized with all the information needed for their eventual heist of cutting edge technology. Everything looked as if it belonged there, well not everything.

Among the plans, tools and such a wooden ring was on her desk. It's dark body almost blended in with her desk, looking at the ring brought back memories of her childhood. To a simpler time before she left.

She picked up the ring and looked at the engraving on its face with the initials of 'S.N'.

"I wonder how that idiot is doing. Hopefully they aren't doing anything crazy."

She places the ring down and returns to her work, overlooking the plans so that she can complete this plan as fast as possible.

"Alyssa, you said you wanted to speak to me?"

Rhine is a company with many branches of different fields: Engineering, scientific development, exploration of unknown lands, and medical technology. Alyssa stood in front of Ahrens Parvis.

"It's about the material I placed in your mailbox, did you receive it?" She asked keeping her hands behind her back to hand the constant shaking unnoticed.

The old man raised his head making clear contact with Alyssa, seeing her unsuccessfully attempt to hide her nerves. "Ah yes, the notebooks and cube gem. The aptly named 'BAS9' files. I reviewed as much as I could given the short amount of time I was given, I am head of the structural section so I do get quite busy at times."

Alyssa readjusted her glasses quickly, her hands betrayed her as she knocked them off her face. Alyssa could lie to herself that she wasn't nervous, but now that is only a pipe dream.

"Calm down, there is no rush. If you are late I will vouch for you so don't worry. Just take a deep breath." Ahrens said as he stood up and slowly walked over to her.

Alyssa was so used to feeling small after working on the intimidating nature of the Cube but, the safe expression and voice of Ahrens helped get rid of that.

"From what I read this BAS9 character has done human experiments using materials we have never heard before such as this 'Dragon Core'. Is there anything you would like to add?" He said as he placed his hand gently on Alyssa's shoulder.

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