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I pulled out another sucker as I walked towards the three infront of me, all of them in full black uniforms. The only thing of note beyond their animal features were the small numbers on their chest.

The one with the number four seemed like the leader, I don't know why but they just gave off that feeling. I rushed closing the distance between us grabbing on their antlers and kneeing him in the face. They managed to stand their ground but they stumbled back a little.

As I was about to create some distance Four wrapped their arms around me not allowing me to move as the other two with the numbers Seven and Nine written on them had both stabbed my side with swords in hand.

"For someone who blocked Six and I's arts so easily and talked about being the 'villain' or something I expected more from him." Four said. "Maybe if you had been in a different place we could have used that shield of yours, could have saved a lot of lives." They continued.

I fell to my knees as Four dropped me, I could feel the cold steel of the blade quickly warmup inside my chest. I could hear the three walking away from me as I felt my heart shake not in fear but in excitement.

"It's been so long since I've been running through like that, I think a mouth or so at this point." I said as I stood up causing the swords to wiggle.

"How are you still moving? That should have taken you out of commission if not killed." Seven said.

I felt my lips curl into a small smirk.

"It will take more than that to knock me out, and much more to kill me." I said as I pulled the swords out of me and threw them at the ground in front of them causing the blood to flow unrestricted. "Come at me again. Show me that drive of yours."

Seven and Nine quickly picked up their blades and rushed towards me. I took a step forward only to have my foot sink into the ground causing me to lose my balance. Seven went for my knee while Nine went for my neck. My body is already strengthened by mana. I deflected both blades, one with my leg and the other with my right arm.

"Good speed from you two as well." I said.

I kicked Seven in the face then punched Nine in the chest, neither hard enough to knock them out but enough to create some distance. Let's drop the power a little, I breathe in as I feel various points on my body get heavier. The best way to describe it was like a phone getting heavier, slower, overall weaker.

"That's weird, it feels as if I reached this low power quicker than I should. I'll worry about that later." I said to myself.

I snap out of my daze to see the two going for another team attack while further back I saw Four charge some attack. Three against one, that's rather.... unfair personally but it is what it is.

I dashed forwards meeting the two in the middle. Seven stopped short of me and dropped their blade, I decided to keep my focus on them instead of the blade. Nine was on my left sword in hand. Seven grabbed my chest keeping me in place as Nine thrusted her sword towards my neck, I pushed my hand out retracting my strengthening causing the sword to pierce not only my hand but go deeper in my arm.

Knowing where the first two are, I looked up back at Four who had a mass of fire in the shape of a blade with their fist behind it. They punched it which instantly caused them to split into many different projectiles. I raised my free hand and an image of a shield appeared in my mind.

"What did Shirou say again, eh whatever." That same image started to take shape in the physical world as I projected it into existence to deflect the attack. "You guys are indeed good fighters, if you guys came from where I'm from you'll fit pretty well. Maybe the church would have taken you in."

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