Rhine Lab

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The first day of the conference came and went as the room started to clear out. Many wealthy and important people left feeling a wide range of emotions. Disappointment, despair, satisfaction , excitement and other things. However Marth didn't feel one single emotion.

The best word to describe what she felt is confused. Confusion plagues her mind as she thinks about Swire's question and how she doesn't have an answer. Eventually she stopped thinking about it all together and just sat in her seat, absentmindedly.

"Hello, Terra to Marth? Are you alive there?"

Marth was snapped out of her daze as she spotted Closure in front of her holding a small piece of cake.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something." Marth said apologetically, her hands were moving an absurd amount.

"I can tell. If you weren't able to understand what they were saying, that's fine. They went over a lot of complicated things back there." Closure said as she ate more of the cake.

The Rhodes Island team return to the hotel they are staying at. Closure looked at the clock to see that it was slightly past midday meaning that one thing for her.

"Time for lunch. Do you want to go out Warfraim?" she asked.

"I'll have to pass, I have a meeting with a medical provider here about our last agreement. They apparently had a change in leadership and the new guys are trying to undermine us." Warfraim explained.

"I hate when companies do that, just because we are a pharmaceutical company doesn't mean we are pushovers." Closure whined as she jumped out of bed. "Then who am I supposed to go with?"

"You should take Marth, before we left Apollo asked that either me or you take her out to explore the city. He said that Marth hasn't been to Columbia before and he really wanted either me or you." Warfraim said.

"Why us two specifically?"

"He didn't say, just that it would help Marth in a lot of ways." Warfraim explained.

"I'll ask the others if they want to join." Closure said as she left the room.

After a series of questions, time and a bus ride the duo of Closure and Marth arrived at Closure's favorite local restaurant. Marth adjusted her hat as she followed Closure inside.

The interior wasn't anything special, tables, seats, kitchen and people. The two were seated and they were about to place their orders.

"I would have four pancakes with chocolate strawberries on top, along with some water." Closure said.

"Sure, sure, whatever." The waiter wasn't hiding his dislike. The man's eyes are trained on Closure's blood eyes showing her vampire blood without care as he turned to Marth.

As Marth looked at the waiter she felt her heart sink slightly as she looked into his eyes. It's a sight she isn't too unfamiliar with, disdain, hate or other words that are similar in nature. Marth followed the man's gaze as she could see him move up and down her body. Then the man's eyes softened and turned neutral.

"What can I get for you ma'am?" He asked.

Marth told the waiter she wanted three pancakes with nothing on them. However before he was out of reach she could hear him muttering something offensive about Closure being here.

"Damn eyes, why are they in this country?" was what he said.

"Ms. Closure, did you do something before? The waiter seemed annoyed by you being here." Marth asked.

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