Chapter 2 ✓

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Chapter two: Through death, he can live


    Inspire. Expire. Repeat.

   This is what Taehyung usually repeats every time he is on dangerous missions, but which requires a lot of calm and strategic thinking. It's kind of a mantra for all his hectic thoughts, and usually works. But this time, it doesn't work. This time, something feels more than wrong.

    "Captain, are you okay? You look a little bit distracted. " Yoongi whispers in his headset as he looks at his friend who is a few feet away from him.

     Taehyung looks ahead again, while some agents stand behind him. Yoongi is to his right, hiding with other agents, behind some barrels. The brown-haired man then looks at his watch. He focuses on what he needs to do next. He is trying to figure out what is the best move he should make now.

     "The situation has become more complicated, boys. Looks like all of Jackson's men are here. Half of them should have left after aliments. " the captain whispers them to the helmet, in a weak tone.

     The agents look at each other, while Yoongi looks ahead at his turn. Yes, there are many more men in the yard than they thought when they came up with the plan. He doesn't really know what ideas his best friend has in mind, but he knows that whatever he decides, will be fine. Taehyung is a master of extreme situations, and this is really a situation like that.

     "Then what do we do, Captain? Are we abort the mission and trying another day? " one of the agents asks in his headphone, and Taehyung seems to look at the men in front of him more closely.

    He loves to be a captain, he worked hard to get into this position. But there are times when he feels more than just overwhelmed. And now, it's one of those moments. Every mission that belongs to him and his team is full of danger. And no, he is not scared for his own skin. But he is responsible for the lives of all the agents who obey him. So any wrong move, and they ... can die. So at times when he has to make such a decision, he feels more than a heavy weight on his shoulders. But he knows, he knows he has to decide. And as always, he is guided by instincts.

     "No, we can't abandon the mission now. They will find our footprints and find that something is wrong. We may not have a second chance. " Taehyung says and Yoongi looks at him immediately.

     "Then do we do exactly what we decided to do? Do we implement "green-red"? Or do you have another strategy in mind? " Yoongi asks and Taehyung looks at him as well.

     "We can't implement the "green-red" scheme, there are far too many people. Instead, you and your team will take care of the men outside, and my team and I will enter the building. " Taehyung says and then looks at the men in the back. "Isaac, Noah and Lucas. You three go into the beta team, they will need more agents. The alpha team will take out the children safe, while the beta team will keep the perimeter safe and take care of Jackson's people. Do you understand? "

      "Yes, sir." all three agents answer at the same time, and then, carefully, run to the team on Taehyung's right side.

      "Do you think Jackson is here too? " Yoongi then asks him, and Taehyung shrugs.

       "Normally at this time he should be at his villa in town, but everything is possible. However, we must not deviate from the plan. You and the beta team will be the first to enter the landscape, and while you're distracting Jackson's men, we'll be at the back door. " Taehyung explains and the black-haired man approves instantly.

       "Try not to die. " Yoongi says in a slightly amused tone, and the captain just smirks. "Beta team, follow me!" he then says in a more serious tone, as they all take professional steps toward the men in front of them.

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