Chapter 25 ✓

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   Finding myself in the shadows is harder than avoiding them


  "I promise you that everything will be better, angel. I promise you that this time I won't let you fall alone. You will get through this, we will get through this."

    Jungkook looks at the agent for a few seconds. He has no idea what he might say. He can't really express what he feels at this moment. He feels...empty. That's all he knows.

     "I... I'm sorry." is the only thing that he can think of, at this moment.

    His voice sounds weak, without any trace of light. It's no longer a voice that Taehyung can recognize. He feels... that it is a stranger's voice, which makes his heart bend even more than already did.

    "You don't have to be sorry for anything, angel. It was my fault, I should have been more careful, and-

     "Tae. Stop." Jungkook interrupts him and tears immediately appear on his cheeks. "Stop apologizing for things you are not responsible for. If I tried to keep fighting, it was because I met you, because you gave me strength. But in the last few weeks I realized that no matter how much light you try to create, it will never be enough to cover the darkness in my heart."

      No matter how much light you try to create, it will never be enough to cover the darkness in my heart.

     Yes, Taehyung knows that. He knows he's not strong enough to fight all of Jungkook's demons. But he wants to believe, that he is strong enough to fight half of them, at least. 

    "Jungkook. I... I was scared as hell. I don't remember the last time I felt this way. When I saw you on the floor and saw all that blood, I... I just wanted to close my eyes and hope it was a nightmare. I wanted to wake up and I couldn't." the agent comments and the boy on the hospital bed sighs, then wipes some tears from his cheeks.

     "If you hadn't met me you wouldn't have had to feel this way. If you hadn't met me-"

      "I would not have realized that I could love someone so much." this time the older man interrupts, then touches the left hand of the one in front of him. "The pain that I received at the price of loving you does not even half compare to the happiness that you gave me. You managed to bring me color in a world that I thought was gray at most." he continues and the other looks at him surprised, not expecting such words.

      He's not that stupid that he didn't realized until now that Taehyung might feel something for him. But even if there were flirty or sweet moments, the agent was never as direct as at this moment. At least that's what the younger one thinks.

       "I find it hard to believe that someone like you could feel something for someone like me." Jungkook decides to say out loud what has been bothering him for a few days, and the man next to him frowns a little.

        "I know that maybe you won't be able to believe me too soon, but you are the one who saved me, not otherwise. I will repeat myself as much as necessary, until you manage to see yourself from my sight." Taehyung replies, then he strokes his hair, looking into his eyes. "You're smart, cute, beautiful, funny, but above all, you're damn strong. I wish I could take all the pain you've suffered so far, and suffer it myself, but I can't. But I promise you, I will make sure that from now on, your life will be full of roses, not their thorns."

        "Tae. I don't want to hurt you even more."

      This whole situation way too weird. Everything happens for too suddenly, and without any meaning. A few hours ago, Jungkook thought he would never have the chance to see the one who managed to make him feel something else beside pain. And now, he also hears a more subtle statement from him. It doesn't seem right. He's still trying to figure out if it's not a hallucination, or if he didn't die, and everything he sees and hears now is like a last memory on earth.

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