Chapter 15 ✓

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Chapter 15: Words hidden between uprooted branches


     "Jungkook, I know we haven't had much interaction until now, but if something bothers you, you can tell me. I'm good at keeping secrets, you know?"

   The boy looks to his left, at the man holding Yeontan in his arms. He then straightens his voice, feeling somewhat comfortable with Jimin, even if he hasn't really been around him at all. Simply, Min Jimin, he has an aura that makes Jungkook feel safe. And yes, maybe he shouldn't tell him everything that bothers him, but he feels that he can trust Min Yoongi's husband. He simply feels it.

     "To be honest, I have... I have several things that don't really let me breathe peacefully." the younger boy admits, and Jimin is still petting the puppy in his arms, but now he's looking at Jungkook attentive.

     To make it easier to understand: it's been a few days since Taehyung brought Yeontan back home, and Jungkook started to become much happier with the dog around (which made the agent feel more than fulfilled ). But even with the dog around, Jungkook still couldn't get Jackson off his mind. Even if he didn't really think about hurting himself or killing himself that much in the last few days, besides Jackson, another problem appeared. Which one? It starts with T and ends with G. Exactly, Taehyung.

    You may be wondering how the agent could be a problem in Jungkook's life, taking into account the fact that he is the one who has saved the younger one several times, and the one who behaves more than nicely with him. Well, precisely his way too nice behavior, and the fact that he says and makes certain gestures, makes Jungkook consider him a problem. The younger boy should have been used to Taehyung by now and with the fact that he always flirts and jokes. But it seems that he can no longer overlook all these "missing heartbeats".

     "Are you still worried about Wang? Trust me, Jungkook. Taehyung and Yoongi will catch him soon. He will be thrown behind bars as soon as possible. You just need to have hope." Jimin pulls the younger boy out of his meditative state, and the other one just looks at the floor.

      He just needs to have hope? If you had told him this almost two months ago, he wouldn't even have bothered to look at you. But now, thanks to certain people, he really... really tends to believe that maybe, to have hope sometimes, it's not always in vain. And yes, he really hopes that Taehyung and Yoongi will manage to catch Jackson and all his allies as soon as possible. But now, that's not the biggest part which occupy his mind.

      "It's not just that. I... I don't really know how I should say what I want to say." Jungkook admits again, now in a more shameful and low voice.

     The man next to him takes the dog off from his arms, then slowly and carefully touches Jungkook's right shoulder. The boy no longer flinches now, and this tells how much has changed because of a certain person.

     "Kook, they are both in the office, they can't hear us. You can tell me everything that bothers you. I'll try to help you, I promise."

     The younger boy takes a deep breath, then slowly nods his head. He wants to admit what he has been trying to hide from everyone around him, but especially from himself. He wants to admit this, at least in front of Jimin. Because he knows that he won't have the courage to do this in front of Taehyung anytime soon.

     "It's about... about Tae."

     Jimin smiles weakly, as soon as he hears the way Jungkook calls Taehyung. Even Yoongi told him that he noticed the strange closeness between Jungkook and Taehyung. This makes Jimin more than happy. He knows how much the boy suffered, but he also knows that the agent has the talent to clean someone's deepest wound, if he puts his mind to it. Taehyung could be the perfect bandage for Jungkook's cut, if the younger boy would allow it.

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