Chapter 24 ✓

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     Another you and me


   What does it mean to be strong? Like, really strong? Could we find a logical definition to emphasize what it means to be strong? Probably. We could take a mechanical definition and say something like: "Someone strong is confident and determined, and is not easily influenced or worried by other people. He is sharp and manipulative with a strong personality."

     For Taehyung, being strong means being Jungkook. For the agent, nothing and no one can better represent what it means to be strong, than the boy who has been through a nightmare his whole life.

      "Forgive me, love. Even though I knew that your smile could bring Heaven to those you smile at, I preferred to believe that your soul is no longer in Hell." Taehyung whispers without taking his eyes off the boy on the hospital bed. "I should have known that beyond what appeared to be healing, there was only accumulated pain."

    He should have realized that nothing is good. Nothing had changed, everything was just in his head. Jungkook didn't give up on his thoughts- his thoughts became even more serious and dark than before.

      "I promised myself that I would protect you, but I failed. I am... I am guilty because we are here, at this moment. I am guilty because you tried to take your own life, because you tried to leave this world, to leave me."

    "Everything will be fine, Tae." a voice takes the agent a little by surprise, then he realizes it's Yoongi. "I found a very good psychol near your house. I think you could talk to him about Jungkook's treatment." the older continue later and the agent exhales in frustration.

    Yes, he knows that he can no longer avoid this whole thing with Jungkook's treatment. Not after what the boy tried to do. It's just that he also knows that Jungkook is not really open to this idea. He has no idea how to get him to agree.

    "I don't know how I will make him accept. Every time I tried to bring it up before, he simply pretended not to hear. Or he didn't seem to mind, but I could tell he didn't even want to imagine."

      Yoongi pulls a chair next to Taehyung, then looks at the boy in the hospital bed. He has no idea when Jungkook became so important to both Jimin and himself. But now he looks at him like a younger brother, and he has to admit - his heart hurts when he sees him like this.

     "Maybe he won't accept it at first, or it won't be easy to do it, but you will definitely succeed. We both know, that he needs professional help. In vain we try to be close to him, if he always feels alone even when he is not."

      Yes, Taehyung knows that. Of course he knows that. And yet, he feels discouraged. Very discouraged. What if, even this is not going to help him? What if Jungkook will try to take his own life again, and he will succeed in the next attempt? No... he doesn't even want to think about such a thing.  

     "I love him, Yoongi. I love him so much that it hurts like hell to think about what he's been through and what he's still going through. I love him more than I could ever imagine that I could ever love someone, more than I thought it was possible to love someone in a simple life." the agent confesses out of the blue, and his best friend smiles weakly. "I couldn't imagine that one person could be responsible for someone else's life- that is until I met Jungkook. He turned my winter into summer, the night to day, from a monotonous routine, a routine that I can hardly wait for.

     Love. Taehyung knows that he is not the only one who has this impression: the fact that love can rule your life without you even realizing it. The fact that loving someone means, broadly speaking, to give your heart, soul, body and mind to someone. And the agent did this with a smile on his face. He gave his all to Jungkook. This is probably what it means to love someone - without realizing it, to become better for the one you love.

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