Chapter 12 ✓

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Chapter 12: When you love, the heart is bathed in pain


     "Jungkook, please. Please, you haven't eaten anything in two days." the agent whispers behind the door, though he knows it's in vain.

    Jungkook won't open the door. He hasn't done it in hours, and Taehyung is starting to worry about the younger one. Or better said, he starts to worry about the younger one, more than he usually does. 

     "Kook, do you really think this is how you solve anything? Do you really think I'd let that bastard get anywhere near you? You're safe here, Kook. Please trust me." Taehyung tries again, and for a few seconds, there is no sound other than his breathing.

     "You really don't understand, hyung. He already knows where I am, he probably already has a plan. You're the one who doesn't really know Jackson." Jungkook's weak voice is heard from the room, and immediately after that, the agent feels that he can breathe easier.

       At least he's not passed out or anything like that. If he talks, it means that he didn't try to do something stupid again, which would put his life in danger.

      "It doesn't matter that he actually knows you're here. I brought you to my house, just in case such situations will happen. Maybe I don't know how determined Wang can be, but he has no idea how determined I can be either. And do you know why I am much more determined than him?"

      Taehyung touches the door with his right hand, as if trying to feel the boy in the room. He waits for the other to enter in the discussion, to be able to continue. 

       "Why are you more determined than him?"

       "Because I know, no matter what, I will protect you. This is not a simple promise, but more of a kind of oath that I made without realizing it, when I saw you for the first time. When you were trying to end your life, and I didn't allow that."

      It is said that some things happen by themselves, as if they were written before they happened, somewhere among the stars. Destinies, which reach a certain point face to face, in this life. Such bonds, these "universal acts", are called in many ways. But I like to call them "red threads". I like to define two people as half of a thread, halves that form a whole. I like to believe that at a certain point in this life, the threads will tie together, without even being announced in advance.

      It may sound a bit complicated and strange, that's why I could summarize it to a much simpler explanation: there are things, events, tragedies, meant to happen at a certain moment in life. And also, there are people meant to enter other people's lives at a certain point. I guess is easier to understand it now, right?

     "Tae, you should stop this. Please stop doing this." Jungkook says again in a low and empty tone, and immediately after, the older man frowns.

      Doing what? What exactly he did wrong? Did he said something he shouldn't have?

    "What do you mean? I can not understand you."

    "Stop acting like I'm more than a witness for you. We both know what the truth is, so please stop making me feel like... there are people who actually care about me." 

      The agent is unable to say anything, at least not at the moment. All he can think about is how hard these words must be for his heart. They seem to do something bad to him, as if there were arrows that hurt his chest. 

     He can't figure out why, when, or how, but Jungkook stopped being a mere witness for some time. And Taehyung could swear that the younger boy realized this too. But it seems that only he thought this, because Jungkook is far too catched by the past, to realize how beautiful the present can be. And for a second, he remembers what they talked about, not long time ago:

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