Chapter 19 ✓

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Chapter 19: A string of life


    Is dark. Not just around him. It is dark in his mind. In his heart. In his soul - if he still has something like that left. Does it matter if he screams? Does it still matter if he tries to escape?

      Probably not. And he doesn't want to escape anymore. He doesn't even want to die now, because death would be too simple, too beautiful, and too easy for him.

      Now he wants to suffer, to feel his body detaching from him, little by little. He wants to forget. To forget everything that made him smile, with the help of pain. He wants to forget. He wants to forget about that handsome man with the golden smile, who helped him to get out of the darkness, only to sink himself later. He wants to forget his warm voice, the voice that sounded like a harp song, in his mind full of noisy drums. To forget his beautiful eyes, the eyes that managed to look into his soul and beyond him.

       He wants... he wants to forget Kim Taehyung. To forget him and in exchange, to have the most painful punishment. Why? Because Tae... because of him the agent was tortured, killed, and forgotten. It is his fault... his fault.

      "What are you thinking, dear? At me probably?"

       This voice. This voice's not like Tae's warm yet deep voice. It is the voice that used to give him nightmares night after night, non-stop. Now it no longer causes him nightmares, only nausea. He is no longer afraid of her at all but simply hates her with all his being. This voice... this voice.

      "Not enough for you? Do you want more?" Jungkook asks instead, his voice like a whisper due to fatigue and pain.

      Jackson raises his right eyebrow, then approaches the boy, sitting on the bed, and caressing his right leg perversely. Jungkook doesn't react in anymore. He doesn't flinch even a little, he doesn't even make a sound. He no longer wants to oppose. He just wants to suffer as much as possible. To feel the suffering, to feel the claws of pain as they corner him. He just wants to accept his past, to feel like his present is finished, and the future is not real.

      "I don't really like that you started answering me back, Jungkookie. Do you want to be punished again?" the man asks with a grin, looking the boy straight in the eyes.

      And Jungkook just looks back at him, without a twinkle in his eyes. His eyes can no longer be called eyes, they are now just two circles that help him see the suffering he longs for so much. It's as if he's asking him to make him suffer as much as possible, as if he's desperately begging him for this.

      "Why me? Why did you pick me out of that bar? Was it just a coincidence, or did you have a reason?"

     The boy does not know how he still has the strength to speak, or why he chose to waste his energy asking such a thing. He knows that whatever answer he gets, it will not relieve him in any way. And yet, he asked.

      "Why do you want to know this right now? Have you become sentimental all of a sudden, sweetie?" Jackson relies amused, moving his hand further up the boy's thigh.

      "I think I have the right to know why you chose to destroy my life. So tell me. Why?"

      Jungkook is more than serious, and the other man seems to start thinking about something. He stood up suddenly, turning his back on the bloody boy on the dirty bed. The boy doesn't know why at this moment, the monster seems somewhat...vulnerable.

      "You seemed... desperate for a little love." Jackson answers later, turning his face to the boy. "I could tell by your face, how much you hated your life even before you met me." he comments after, and Jungkook looks at him in pure shock.

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