Chapter 1-

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"Miya" my dance teachers voice purred down the phone.
"Yes?" I answer cautiously.
"Don't be so worried dear, you got the part! Congratulations!!"
"Oh thank-you! That means a lot..."
"But your going to have to go to London-" She cuts me off.
"What?!?!" My voice is heavy down the phone.
"I have a apartment all paid for and everything-"
"Before you decline, please just have a look. I will send you an email. Your my best candidate!"
"Ok, thanks miss lee" I hang up the phone.

I refresh my emails a few times until a familiar name pops up...

Miss lee:

Your student of the name of Miya deflayer has been chosen for the role of rapunzel in our tangled production London. This is a huge opportunity for Miya so we have taken the stress of accommodation and travel off her hands. She shall stay in the hotel de buenca, only a 10 minute taxi from the theater and a 16 minute taxi to rehearsals. Rehearsals shall be everyday except Sunday and it starts bright and early at 9am. We have the best dancers joining Miya on stage including our top student Daniel Pocter, who will be playing the role of Flynn Rider.
We hope to see her at Kings Cross Station on 4th of February, 13:30 to meet her chauffer.

Kindest regards,
The International Dance School London.

I reply with a simple 'I will be there' and turn off my phone. I need to pack.


"Great practice today. I can see the potential for our new show!" Our ballet teacher talked on. I quickly threw my shoes in my bag and applied deodorant. I ran out of the room. As I dodged all the students leaving their dance rooms I heard the same consistent chatter.
"Do we know who has the main roles yet?"
"I bet rapunzel will be you girl!"
"Flynn better be fit, it will ruin it if not."
Although the gossip was annoying, I was thinking the same questions.

"Daniel. Thanks for seeing me today!"
"No problem sir."
"Please have a seat." He gestured towards a sofa that is facing his desk.
"Thankyou" a water was slid across to me.
"So your wondering why I called you to my office, yes?" His French accent was strong but I could just make out what he was saying. "Daniel, we have chosen you for the role of Flynn. Your grades have improved and your last distinction in your exam really pushed us to this decision."
I thanked him and signed his papers. I left the room to be met by issac and Oliver eyes staring at me.
"So..." issac said.
"Yes what did he say?" Oliver pestered me.
"You are looking at the new Flynn Rider" I say opening my chest.
"That amazing! Isn't that amazing babe." Isacc turns to Oliver
"Yeah it is. It is... right" he looks at me concerned.
"Yeah, Yeah!"
"But..." Oliver tilts his head.
"Rapunzel is a girl called Miya Deflayer, we don't know her."
"Listen mate I'm sure she is nice." Isacc takes Olivers hand and I smile as I see my best friends walk a little infront of me. I wonder which one of them will chose me to be their best man?

{*. Act One .*}Where stories live. Discover now