Chapter 6

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I wake up to the smell of freshly washed hair. As I squint and wiggle a small groan escapes my chest. I look down in confusion and see Miya snuggled into the blanket I have loosely thrown over me. A nurse is tending to Anya's early medication and she smiles at me. I smile back and a very unhappy Anya frowns at the taste of the syrup the nurse passed her. I giggle at her grumpy face which accidentally wakes up Miya. She stretches and pushes her body off mine.

"Omg, I'm so sorry for falling asleep on you like that." She quickly apologises.

"Its ok, your quiet warm." She smiles and so does Anya.


"So we have a lot of catching up to do, since you both missed our last lesson-" Our teachers voice was stern and sharp. I felt a set of guilt hit in.

"Sorry sir, that was my fault.." Why was Daniel blaming himself for my disappearance yesterday?

"Ok Mr Procter, but please don't let it happen again understood?" He nodded and I did too.

* The Tear Heals From the Tangled soundtrack is the song they area dancing too*

"Right foot avant, your going to do a simple step together in third for 2 counts. Then pull up and drop into a demi point, left foot derihea this time then a demi point with the right to transfer weight. rams slowly travel to third." I copy the teacher words as he lists them off his paper. "Then Daniel you will fall to the floor and Miya will run towards you. Some of our Adult dancers will dance around you for a bit whiled you are hunched over him crying, Miya." I nods as I take in what he is saying.

"And then at this big dramatic scene you get up Daniel and you hug." the dance teacher droned on. "Then you look at each other at kiss-"

"What?!?!" Daniel spat out.

"Yes Daniel. you have to kiss, multiple times." Mine and his face was the same shocked expression I would expect everyone would have.

"What if I'm not comfortable with that?" I ask, Daniel nodding in unison.

"Then we get a different girl to play our role, you weren't the only candidate Miya." I looked at him astonished.

"Wow, harsh" Daniel admitted under his breath.

"Fine!!" I say which make Daniel neck almost snap.

"Good I will leave you to work things out together but I want to see this scene perfect when I return." Daniel flips him off as he walks out and I laugh.


We hug each other and stare at each other just like we have been told, but we just can't bring ourselves to kiss. Until she jut did it. Smacked her lips onto mine. At first I was shocked but then it felt natural.

"Done." She said pulling away and staring me in the eyes.

"I-, thankyou..." I smile at her. Our teacher walks in once again.

"From the top then?" We stood in our places waiting for the beat to start. It ran so smoothly. Like we had done it all before.


I messaged Bailey as soon as I got home.

Bailey <3

Hey girl. sorry I have been so busy. How are you?

I'm good thanks, You?

I'm good. London is so much better than I expected!!

That's good, I guess. I gtg bye x

Oh bye I guess x

Her texts were so dry and unlike her. So I messaged my boyfriend but he didn't answer either. This has happened before when I left. So I just blocked them bot. I didn't need proof I had it in my mind. I knew I was right. That bitch! That cheating bitch! That when I called Amy in tears.

"Hey? Omg what wrong?" she answered straight away.

"I know we don't talk a lot but I need someone to talk to. I got your name off the group chat with all our tap girls." I cleared things up.

"I don't care how you got my number right now. Why are you crying girl?"

"My boyfriend is sleeping with my best friend..."

"room number 147 right?"

"Yes..." I said confused.

"We are going to make him jealous-" A smiled crept on my face. Perfect!!

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