Chapter 8

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"Goodbye school! I will see you after your holidays. IN TIME FOR OUR SHOW!!" Eruptions of whoops and cheers filled the main hall. I stood at the back and watched all of the school whisper excitedly. "And now let me introduce to you our very own Rapunzel and Flynn..." I walked down the ever lasting corridor, Daniel only moments behind me, to be welcomed on stage with a roar. When my face came into the view of the audience the roar died down to a slow clap.

"Who is she?"

"Why is she Rapunzel?"

"Is she even that good?"

I felt their eyes burn into me, and I didn't even realise the tears prickling up into my eyes. My legs was  bouncing and my hands were shaking. It was happening again.

"Hey..." Daniel whispered in my ear. "It's okay, breathe. In and out." He clasped my hand behind his back but I didn't let go. 

"Thankyou." I whisper back at the crowd die down. I sniffle back my tears but I don't let go off his hand. He drags me off stage before I could even think about what was happening next.


"Hey, don't listen to them." I say as I grab her  other hand. "This is a dance school, everyone around her is bitchy..." I get her to smile a little but I could tell she needed to calm down before she went home by herself. "Want to pick Anya up with me?" She nods and I take her in my hand once again. 

I could read her expression like a book on that stage. Confusion, Panic. Her anxiety rising higher and higher. It was my first instinct to grab her hand. Protect her from all those emotions. 

"Anya has been wanting to see you all week." 

"yeah, haha" she breathed out.

"Look." She turned to me. "It's  going to be okay, once they figure out how good you are."

"You think?" She smiles and looks into my eyes.

"Yes! 100%. Why would you think they would cast you?" She smiled and walked faster than me.

"Hey Miya!" Anya yells grabbing her bags and shoes.

"Hey!" She plasters a fake smile and cheery voice on to seem happy to Anya. But Anya is a smart girl and  knew something was wrong. She decided not to pester, just furrowed her eyebrows and me. I shook my head in response and she just smiled, weakly.


We were walking back to apartment in the rain. Anya was fast asleep on Daniels shoulders. We hurried into the foyer, the  warmth of the building gliding up my body. "Do you-" But Daniel spoke at the same time.

"Are you-" He stopped after hearing my voice sync with his. "You go first..."

"No you-"

"No, I insist.."

"Do you and Anya want to stay over at mine?" He looked relieved for me to have said such things. "It's just cold and raining and-" 

"yes! Thank you." I smiled at him and stroked Anya's head and it rested on Daniels. "Is she still asleep?" He asked me.

"Yes..." I wispered.


I gently placed a blanket over Anya as she wriggled in her sleep. Miya made us both tea in the kitchen as I make-shifted a bed on the floor for me to sleep. 

"Here." Miya passed me a steaming cup of tea and a hot water bottle.

"Thank you, again." She smiles at me.

"Trust me. It's okay" She laughs.  A real genuine laugh.

We were both laid on Miya's bed watching Tangled and laughing at all the weird and wonderful scenes we would have to do. Then we suddenly stopped laughing and turned to each other.

"Come with me, to Australia. This summer. Me , you and Anya. Come on..."

"You know what-" She thought for a few seconds. "I was going to be with my boyfriend but, ha, i guess"

"Oh shit yeah-" 

"So I will come. I kinda want to meet your parents." She laughs and looks at Anya. "And why they abandoned her."

"I don't really wanna see them, it's just I haven't told them about Flynn yet-"

"Will they come and see you?"

"I doubt it-"

"Oh..." The room went quiet again.

"I don't want them too anyway."


"They normally just ask 'When are you getting a real job?'" She just laughs and looks down.

"I can relate..." her voiced trailed off. She rested her head on my shoulder and watches the movie.


Hey guys. I'm really sorry about how slow I am at posting updates, I'm actually at a wedding right now. But I hope you can forgive me :)

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