Chapter 9 (extra long)

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"I will pick you up tomorrow around 4 am?" He ask. I just nods and continue to stuff things into my bag. "Are you absolutely sure you want to come? I mean, you don't have-"
"Yes!!" I look over at him. He is picking the skin around his finger nails.
"Ok, well I will leave you to pack..."
"Ok. See you tomorrow." He lets himself out quickly. "4 am sharp..." I whisper to myself, shoving some nike socks in the top pocket of my suitcase. I don't know why I do but I pack my pointe shoes and leotard. Maybe I can practice a little whilsed I'm over in Australia for a bit.

Sleeping that night was extremely hard...! Australia. I have never been. And worst of all Daniel's and Anya's parents. They can't be as bad as Daniel says, right? Anya is so lovely, but Daniel practically raised her. I dont know what to think. I can't make up my mind. Good. Bad. Good. Bad. I can't remember what I decided or when I fell asleep, but I was woken up by a harsh knocking on my door.


"MIYA! ARE YOU IN THERE?" I shout through her front door. A few clicks and scrapes echo from inside. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Anya is trying to peep through her keyhole and I open up her letterbox. I look in and see her hallway completely empty. Her suitcase still ready to go. Then a shadow covers where I was looking and the door swung open.
"Hey, I'm so sorry..." She starts apologising.
"No it's ok. Quick though get" I pause and look her up and down. She has silk pyjamas on and her hair is so fluffy. "Dressed-" I finish my sentence.
"Stop drooling Jesus." Anya whispers in my ear and I roll my eyes at her.
"Okay. Wait 2 seconds." She came out literally no longer than 5 minutes with her clothes on and shoes untied. Her makeup was in the hand and she was brushing her hair. Toothbrush stuck in her mouth she grabs her suitcase. She quickly spits out the toothpaste and runs passed us. "Come on let's go!!"


We are in the taxi and Anya and Daniel are both asleep. They are cuddled up together in the seat next to mine as I do my makeup. We are not far away from the airport when Daniel wakes up. He turns and looks outside and then at me.
"Are we here?" He asks
"No. 3 minutes on the GPS." He nods and looks back out the window. I reached into the boot from the back seat to get my mascara, when sorting sharp slices my finger. "Shit!" Daniel's head shot around.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine." I hide the cut on my finger but my blood gives it away.
"Here, I have a first aid kit somewhere." He finds a bandage and wraps my finger up quickly. "Better?"
"Yeah, thanks"

<Can boarding number 436 please go to the boarding docks, this is your final call.>
We were a little late, but made it on the plane to say the least. Anya is sat next to the window watching three men load our luggage into the back. Daniel is sat in the middle and I'm on the end. He has already got his headphones in and is listening to whatever he is listening to. I feel slightly faint, but decide to put it down to the fact I'm meeting his parents. They seem really intimating. Going over everything I might say, and what correct way to introduce myself. I was so preoccupied, I didn't realise we had set off. Click. I take my seat belt off and look at everyone else on the plane.
A guy with a baby, constantly looking at the time on his phone.
Two women, chatting about a shop. Some offer on, somewhere for some amount of money.
A really pretty person, short wolf cut with the ends dyed red. They were wearing sun glasses that rested on the top if their head.
Two 12 year olds, one asleep on the others shoulder. The one awake trying not to move an inch.
A couple who look like they have just been in a fight.
And finally a police officer.
Everyone in their own world, have their own problems and their own difficulties. I look over to Daniel and Anya who were both staring at me.


She fell asleep on my shoulder, so I snuggled her in close. I stroked her head and she just smiled. Miya looked at her and smiled too.

Miya then suddenly stood up and went to the bathroom. She picked the worst time as the worst turbulence starts.
<please can everyone return to their seats and buckle in their seatbelts>
Miya was way to far from her seat to get back, I could tell she was getting panicked.


Daniel stood up from his seat and grabbed me by the arm. He pulled me across the seating area towards the seat when a huge shake erupted the plane. Someone screamed and grabbed hold of my arm but Daniel pulled me along further. When we get back into our seat we let out a sincranized sigh.

Luckily the rest of the flight was calm and slow. A painful 21 hours and 40 minutes. I watched at least 6 movies and ate so many snacks. Anya was getting bored so we played a few games. We had 3 minutes until landing and I have never been so nervous. The thought if finally landing had seen so far away, but now the wheels touched the hot tarmac and we were safely landed. I woke Daniel up from his everlasting nap and collected my bags. It seems like forever since I had been on holiday.


I grabbed all our bags and walked into the blistering heat. No one has spoken to eachother in about 4 hours, but the silence was deafening anyways. I cleared my throat. "So, we will be at mum and dad's in about half an hour." Miya nods and Anya climbs into the taxi.
"Does she need a car seat?" The taxi driver asks in a strong Australian accent. My accent slips through a little too.
"No she is just tall enough." Miyas head shot round at the shock of my sudden change in accent. Anya giggles and looks at Miya's gobsmacked face. The car starts and we set off for my parents house. Miyas leg bounces next to mine. Without seeming obvious I nudge her thigh, which stops her from worrying for a few minutes. My parents aren't expecting to see Miya but they will love her. I'm sure of it!!

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