Chapter 14

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I placed Anya down and she looked at me with worry in her eyes. 

"Daniel, where are you going?"

"I have to go see Miya..."

"But she kicked us out-"

"Anya it's complicated, please just stay here. Be a good girl, I love you." I shut the door the rain is pouring. I start running, panting. For fuck sake Miya. I'm absolutely soaked head to toe, My white shirt has gone see through.


When they left I got the urge. Its been 2 years, I knew this would kick it all off again. The look on his face, the look of disgust. where is it? I know I through most of them out, I just left one...

I found it, I held the blade up. I could see my reflection in the metal, my mascara had ran down my face and  my eyes were bloodshot. The cold metal pressed up against my skin, I was about to pierce the skin-


I burst through her apartment door, dripping  wet. She was sat in a ball, a metal blade close to slicing her forearm. "Shit...Miya"

"D-Daniel, go away."

"Miya, I'm not leaving!!"

"Fine!!" She sobs as I slowly walk over to her. I crouch down and hug her tightly and she drops the blade. It bounces off the floor and I kick it away with the side of my foot. "I don't want yo to leave..." She says through sobs. I lift her chin up with my hand and stare into her eyes.

"I'm not leaving, okay..." Then all of a sudden she reaches up with her hand and strokes my cheek. Before I can think about what we are doing she is kissing me, and I'm kissing her back. Then I pick her up and she is sat on the kitchen counter. Through giggles we kiss, more passionately by the second. My hand are all over her body and hers through my hair. She's making me go crazy.

I wake up in Miya's bed the next morning. Her arm is wrapped around my chest. I sneak out, and suddenly everything we did last night rushes back to me. I look at her sleeping, I can see the trail of hickeys I left. The went from her neck down her chest to in between her thighs.

"What?" She mumbles.

"huh?" I look into her eyes.

"Your staring..." 

"Grace, I'm not staring-" Her face drops and I just realise what I said.

"Who- Who is Grace?" I stayed quiet. "Daniel, who the FUCK is Grace??"


"Who is she" She stands and shoves on a over sized hoodie and nike pros.

"No-one, babe"




"MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND... happy?" I ask and her face looks as pale as a ghost. "But Miya listen, I don't like her. I like you-"



"NO FUCKING FIX THIS MESS!" She storms out her room, when all of a sudden I hear a door open and close. Thinking Miya left I rush out when I was met by the wicked face of my mother and Anya. Shit, fucking shit.


Let me paint this picture for you-

I'm stood  in front of the boy who just railed the shit out of me's mum, hickeys visibly showing. His little sister stood behind her and the man himself, stood behind me. In only his underwear, scratches on his back and hickeys on his chest. He has just walked out of my room, chasing me whilsed I'm pissed off. What the fuck is going on? The boy who I couldn't stand just fucked me so hard I think the whole building heard, but then he decides to tell me he has a fucking girlfriend.

"M-Mum?" Daniel finally speaks.

"Yes surprise, I'm sorry but was I-" she looks me up and down and then looks her son up and down "Interrupting?"

"No Daniel was about leaving-" 

"I was?" Daniel says.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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