Chapter 12

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We went over all of out lines, and to say that we haven't said them in a while they were alright.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Daniel says snapping me out of my trance like state.

"okay, enjoy." I laugh and he smiles back at me. A few minutes pass by and I was just tying my pointe shoes when I hear shouting from across the corridor. I crept out of the room and through the glass sliding doors. The shouting got louder but I still wasn't able to hear exactly what was being said.

"You! Everything you do or say ends up hurting people." It was Daniel, and he was really angry.

"Oh come on Danny, I will apologise to her if you want me too."

"No! I want you to apologise because saying stuff about someone's weight is wrong." They were fighting about me. Guilt and shame engulfs me. "When your guest is crying and staring of into space, thinking about what you have said to them the night before-" He takes a deep breath. "Is that the right way for someone to be treated when they travel how many hours they have to come here to meet you. ALL SHE WANTED AS TO MAKE A GOOD IMPRESSION INFRONT OF YOU!"

"Daniel keep your voice down." His mother was embarrassed at the commotion Daniel was making. Daniel storms out the room to be nose to nose in my face. We stood there in shock when he lets out a low whisper.

"What are you doing here?" I shrug but I feel tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. We quickly rush back to the gym and sit in silence.

"I was fine, you didnt have to do-"

"Just shut the fuck up! Just shut up!!" He storms out the room and I cry. What the hell was that about?


I was splashing cold water over my face to calm down when I heard little feet and a blanket being dragged along the floor. I turn around to see and extremely sleepy Anya who had just woken up from a nap.

"Danny are you okay? I heard shouting." I didn't answer her, I just stared at the glass sliding doors where Miya was. She was dancing, maybe alittle too aggressively. Anya looked too and slowly walked over to the gym. I turned back and turned on the shower. Daniel calm the fuck down, why are you this angry?


The door opened and I whipped my head round, hoping it was Daniel. But instead it was the other Pocter, Anya. She ran up to me and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Are you ok?" I ask Anya. She nods and pulls out of my hug.

"What happened with Daniel?" She looks at the bathroom, the shower was running but no steam was coming out from under the door.

"Is he-?"

"Taking a cold shower? yes. He is calming down." I nod "Did you get into a fight?" She asks. I pick up Anya on my hip and walk towards the window. I put her on the windowsill and she looks outside.

"It doesn't matter. Me and your brother need to talk after this." She smiles and I realise that saying 'me and your brother' to Anya sounds nice.


Daniel what the fuck have you done?

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