Chapter 7

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Amy's plan was genius really. She dressed up as a guy and we took photos making it seem like I met a guy in London. It was pretty affective. With hundreds of DM's calling me 'slut' and 'hoe' it was pretty clear he believed it. But so did Daniel, the only person I didn't want to believe the photos.

"So who was the guy on your story?" Daniel asked as he pushes himself into over-split.

"Oh just my boyfriend..." I say looking over at Amy with the side of my eye.

"Oh right-" His voice went quiet.

"What's wrong?" I ask him as he looks up at me.

"I just thought, you know you might have told me before we kissed yesterday...?"

"Why would I need to? It's for acting it doesn't count."

"It would still be nice to know-" His voice was quieter as if he knew it was stupid for him to get angry.

"what do I need your permission now?" He was making my blood boil.

"No. No, just nice to let a guy your working with know."

"What to know if he has a chance with me." I spit out my words strong and hard.




I didn't talk to him after that...


Us putting any of our personal relationship in this wasn't working. So I will not tell her about my girlfriend then... She thinks it's ok to not be completely honest with me, I wont with her it's quiet simple. After we danced together we walked our separate ways until I was met by a ginger girl in one of Miya's classes.

"Daniel...? Right?"

"Yeah. Who are you?"

"Amy." She beamed a smile at me. "We should talk, alittle bit more private." I was confused but I trusted her and we walked further on into a old piano room.


"Miya doesn't have a boyfriend." She started strong.

"What are you fucking talking about?"

"It's me in the photos. I was pretending to make her ex jealous." I didn't like Amy, she had too much of a hyperactive personality.

"ok...why couldn't Miya tell me that?"

"I haven't known Miya for long but she is extremely overprotective about her emotions and is stubborn as fuck!!" I laugh maybe a bit too hard.

"Okay I will apologize..."

"Thankyouuu" she sings and walks out the door leaving me sat there shocked.


I hear a knock on my door, it's hard and forceful. "I'm coming!" I scream getting on my dressing grown to cover my lace nightie. I open my door and there stands Daniel...

"We need to talk-" He says. He pushes himself passed me and looks around my apartment.

"What do you think your doing shoving past me like this?" He turns around to me again.

"I told you, we need to talk." I nod to him and give him the get go to start talking. "Amy told me everything-"


"Miya, it's best if we are honest from now on." I know he was right but I couldn't admit it.

"Fine- Do you need to tell me something?" He shakes his head quickly. "I guess we are good again now." He smiles and opens my front door. "Maybe next time just call me." I laugh and exchange numbers with him.

"Thanks, bye" He leaves and I lock my door. I sit down my back slumped up against the door I just closed. A huge smile crept on my face. That idiot really came all the way here to apologize-


We are both rocking back and forth laughing so hard.

"It was your fault at first." She says through breaths

"No, it defiantly your fault!!" She smiles at me and my teacher walks in.

"Please get back to normal, ugh teenagers" My teacher ruins the mood once again. We rolls our eyes at each other and laugh once more. She makes practice fun for once.

{*. Act One .*}Where stories live. Discover now