Chapter 13

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We haven't spoken in the last 24 hours. Daniel purposely ignores me and makes sure we can't talk. Daniels mum has apologised to me about what she said-

"Look miya I'm really sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you at dinner the other day. To be honest I am jealous of your figure." She laughs. I do a small laugh and turn back to the movie we were watching. I am sat next to Anya and Daniels mum. Daniel however is sat on a 1 seater lounger in the corner of the room. typical. He will look over at me every now and then, but before I can look as well he whips his head back around.


We got back home, we sat in silence. When all of a sudden Miya spoke up.

"Listen idiot, either speak to me or not. I cant handle you looking my way every now and then. Because listen mate your not being sneaky." I just laugh.

"I'm sorry-"

"Your all good, I just want to know why you were so pissed off."

"Because I knew she wouldn't hurt Anya, and she knows not to hurt me anymore since I-" I paused thinking about what I was going to say. "That doesn't matter, but I never imagined her to stoop so low as hurting you. The look on your face, You crying that night. I had to do somthing. I'm sorry" She just nodded.

"Thanks" She says in a low whisper.

"Welcome class. I hope you are all ready for the next 3 weeks of intense training for our show." The hall slowly became louder with chatter as friends joined together. I look over at Miya and our eyes meet.

"Hey, ready for all this work we have coming up?" I ask walking down a bustling corridor.

"I am not going to tell the absolute truth," She starts "I am not as excited as you may believe." She turned and looked at my confused expression. "Anyway, got any plans for extra training schedule? You and Anya should have a bit of a break after-" Her eyes scanned the people around us. "After all she's been through, after all you have been through"

"After all we have been through." Her eyes sink to the floor and she subtly covers her stomach

"Yeah." She breathed. "I guess" We escaped the crowd and went down a few silent corridors until we reached a familiar room. I opened the door to see Anya with her bag and shoes crying by the window. "Anya is everything alright?" I ask cradling her, Miya is rubbing circles around her back and she is coughing.

"What if the school find out Daniel, what if they kick me out?"

"They wont!!" She looked up at me, her face was red and her eyes were full of tears.

"The only people the know is me and Daniel, and I pinkie promise we wont tell..." Miya stuck her pinkie. They both turn to look at me as I stuck my pinkie out too. We all interlocked hands. I pull Anya onto my shoulders and follow Miya out of the door.

"Hey thanks for that, in there" I nod towards the room I came out. Anya had already dozed off.

"It was the least I could do..." Miya says as she opens the another door for me.

"No-" I grab her arm and she spins to face me. "The least you could do was sit there and watch her cry. She mumbles something I couldn't make out and I let go of her arm. We walk down Stalesford road and we turn left. I have started to walk Miya home now. The people around here can be alittle weird towards Miya. She's pretty and very appealing to look at if your looking for that sort of thing. And people have made quiet rude remarks which were not welcomed, so I walk her home. They got the idea eventually. After I told her whole building that were dating they got the idea and backed away. Luckily for Miya, and maybe a little for me as well.


"Thanks for walking me home, again" I laugh. "Wanna stay for a cup of tea?"

"Wow your such an old man..." I laugh and he places Anya on the sofa as he usually does.

"God it's so warm in here-" I forget about the scars sealed on my forearm.

"Take off your hoodie, I don't know how you always have it on in this heat..."

"Yeah-" I laugh and pull my hoodie from over my head. and off my arms and chuck it on the floor.

"So I was thinking we could-" he pauses and looks me up and down. shit, shit, SHIT! "Miya, what are.. I mean how did-" He stops and walks closer towards me so my back is pressed up against the fridge door. He grabs my arm so gently, as if I was about to disintegrate from his touch.

"D-Daniel." I stutter. He grabs my arm and gently rubs over the scars.

"When did you, when did you do this?" His eyes were wider than I had ever seen. I snatch my arm away from his grasp. 

"Daniel..." He looked at me and I could feel the anger build up inside of me. "Daniel, get out!"


"Daniel, I said get the fuck out"

"miya, listen"

"GET OUT, GET THE FUCK OUT!!" Anya suddenly woke at the sound of my shouting. Tears stinged my eyes. He picked up Anya and turned to me. 

"Miya I'm sorry..."

"Daniel, just don't. Not now" He left, not another word from him. 

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