Chapter 5

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"Miya?" She froze. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see Anya... and you-" her voice trailed off.

"What do you not understand about 'don't go looking for me?'" I see her expression change suddenly. "What did you think I would be happy to see you?" I knew my expression was cold but truthful.

"Can I see Anya?"

"Yeah, sure..." I passed her a milkshake that Anya asked me to get her.

We walked for what seemed like forever both of us in complete silence. We catch the next elevator and I press the floor number 6. The doors closed behind us, we were trapped alone together.

"Why do you care about us so much?" I asked breaking the silence.

"What?" She replied.

"Why do you care about m- us so much?"

"I don't know" she looks down at her feet.

"You missed your ballet lesson-"

"Yeah it's fine don't worry about it." Her answer was rushed.

"Ok, right..." But I could see by her reaction it wasn't the answer that she wanted. "Thankyou-" Her head lifts up.

"For what?"

"For all this, if I'm being honest it's real nice having someone here for me and Anya for once." There was tears prickling in my eyes. This was the first time I showed true emotion in front of Miya, and I could tell it surprised her.


"This is us." she says holding out her hand, "It's ok by the way." Her smile was genuine and calming.

"Right." I cough, ignoring her open hand. "To Anya!" She nods and slips her hand into her back pocket.


"Anya you have a visitor..." His voice was a lot more sweet and caring then it had been down stairs. All though he admitted all those emotions to me, I could tell that we still weren't 100%. I walked through the door to see the smiling and bubbly little girl from yesterday hooked up to multiple wires, weak as a new born baby. Her skin was so pale and her lips so miscoloured. Why did this cute little girl have to suffer like this?

"Hello." I said walking closer to the hospital bed. "Everything ok?" She smiled and tried to nod but it was no use. "I brought you this milkshake." She takes it in her hands and Daniel rushes over to feed it her.

"Mwuh" she shook her head and fed it herself.

Anya had gone back to sleep and me and Daniel was sat curled up on the hospital sofa. "So your parents are in Australia?" I ask in a hushed tone

"Yeah, me and Anya got accepted into the school. We couldn't turn it down." I nodded making sure it seemed like all my attention was on him. "It's great and everything, it's just a lot to look after Anya as well."

"Yeah. It must be hard..." He just nods and looks back down at his phone. I take mine out my pocket but it's dead.

"Do you need a taxi calling?" I look at the time on his phone. How was it already 10 o'clock?

"Yes please." He leaves the room and dials a few numbers.

He comes back in a few minutes later.

" I cant find anywhere that free."

"Oh yeah it's London." I shrug and we both laugh.

"Would you like one of my friends to come and get you?"

"No,no,no it's fine I will just sleep downstairs-"

"No sleep up here, it's dangerous down there." I turn back and smile.

"Ok, thankyou. I'm just going to the loo."


"oi, Anya I know your not asleep." I say to a pretending Anya. She giggles to herself, and opens one eye.

"So where are you sleeping?" she says in a sleeping voice.

"On this sofa."

"And Miya?"

"Also on this sofa." But my voice was more unsure than before.

"Ok then." she smiles and attempts to turn over. That's true, where is she going to sleep?

"Hey, I'm back" Miya whispers as she walks in.

"Hey" I whisper back. "So I have run into a problem." Her face looks confused.


"Where are we both going to sleep?"

"Oh I was going to sleep on the floor-"

"Absolutely not!!" She looked taken a back. "I will sleep on the floor!"

"No you have been through enough" A few seconds pass of quiet.

"We could sleep on the sofa together-" She seemed scared to say it. "obviously not if you don't want to, it was just a thought and it was probably stupid-"

"yeah, that's fine" I cut her off.

"Ok." she says coming to lay next to me.

"But this is my side." I say rolling over to the side she was about to sit.

"Oh is it?" Her face was mocking me.

"Yes!" I joke. "It's always my side"

"well it's always my side as well!!"

"fight me for it" A smirk creeps on my face, but I push it back down. She whacks me with on of the pillows under my head.


Her body flops next to mine.

{*. Act One .*}Where stories live. Discover now