Chapter 3

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"Hey you must know me I'm..." I scream at myself in the mirror. I turn around and see Anya giggling at me.

"Shes human too, doofus." I pretend to chase her out my room threatening to tickle her. That little genius. But she is right, shes just human. She might be nice.

I drop Anya off at her class and wave to Mr Fletcher, my old tap teacher, and walk towards the main hall where I was told to meet Miya. 

"Hey!" a voice behind me startles me, but before i could turn around I knew it was HER...


My car pulled up at this huge school. Girls in the prettiest tutus I had ever seen swarmed the main gates. I got out and was quickly ushered by a few old looking men into this grand hall. It was huge with ballet bars all over the walls, mirrors head to toe. I then noticed a tall boy tying his pointe shoes in the middle of the floor. "hey!" i said which made the boy freeze. After a few seconds his head shot round and these blue eyes focus on me.

"Hey, Miya right?" His voice was unsure but deep.

"yeah-" But before i could ask anymore questions a huge wooden door opened to display a very important looking man. 

"ah, I see you have met..." I smiled at the boy who was still looking at me.

Out from behind the man a little girl, no older than 5 ran from behind him.

"Danny!" I turned confused at the boy who stood up and picked up the little girl.

"Miya... This is Anya, she plays you young." I smile at the girl as she whispers something into the boys ear and he nods.

"And shes my sister-" the boy clears up.


We both get taken into one of my favorite practice rooms. she takes off her joggers and pulls up her tutu. Anya runs in not long after with the tutu I packed her this morning on, miss Sofia (her private tutor) behind her. Anya couldn't wait to get started, but i could tell Miya was a little hesitant. "Hey Miya wanna spot each others pirouettes?"

"Yeah, why not?" She stood up and walked towards me. That was the first time i could see that she was quiet small compared to me. 

"You first?"

"Yeah sure" I agreed. I breathed and just did a simple 8 set. I didn't want to seem like a douchebag. She watched my feet so closely I could practically feel her eyes burn through the material on my shoes. But she clapped when i finished, a smile across her face. She was impressed. She stepped forward and helped herself to the spot I was on, her prepare was perfect. She managed to do a 8 set like me but i felt she did it better. I clapped like her, and she curtsied with a smug smile plastered on her face. 

"Then whats going to happen is Anya will swap places with you...Miya-" our new head of choreography explains. Miya nods and Anya jumps up and down keeping her little legs warm. Anya learns her part quiet easily, but there was a part I was unsure with. Anya had to be lifted by Miya. My face dropped at the thought. 

Anya is sick. She doesn't look it, or act like it, but we both know it. The school however doesn't. They will kick her out if they ever find out. When Anya was 2 she was diagnosed with a hole in the heart, a thing I never knew could happen but it does. I know I shouldn't worry but I do I cant help it.I love Anya, and if anything happens I couldn't bare it.

Lift after lift they did, Anya was enjoying it but i could see Miya's arms slowly dropping after each one. But then she got too close to the floor and i could see Anya arms turning purple just like they did when she was about to have what we call an episode.

"Ok that enough now!" I say but no one takes any notice and her arms become more and more purple in color. "I SAID ENOUGH!!" i didn't realize but my voice was rising with every second she was being over worked.

"Jesus man!" Miya blurted out. Was she talking to me? "Whats your problem, we had to do it a few times sorry that your not in the spotlight and you little sister is." she is talking to me, and she has no right to assume thats what i was implying.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!" my voice was still loud and I could tell Anya was shocked.


"Shall we take a break?" the teacher said stepping in front of me and Miya who were edging closer and closer together.

"Yes, I think we should." I snatch Anya and take her to one of the break rooms. she starts eating some fruit snacks I put in her bag.

"Why Danny?"

"You were hurting your heart" I say and she pats her chest.

"My heart hurt yours and Miya's though.." tears well in her eyes.

"I don't care about Miya's heart right now Anya."

"But how about yours?" she reaches her little fingers and touches my chest. "You liked her, Your heart liked her."

"Not now Anya." I closed my eyes and she removed her hand.

what have I done?

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