Chapter 4

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I crashed my body into my apartment door. What was that absolute asshole thinking speaking to me like that?!?! Thinking that because I was lifting his sister means he has any control over me... Well he can think differently.

I brew the kettle and pop in a teabag. I have had enough all ready. I knew this would be a mistake. Why did I just decide to come to this rich snobby school. I fall on the bed and curl up, I have come too far now. I cant back out.


Me and Anya walked to our apartment in silence but I could hear what she was thinking.

Why did you do that Danny?

You hurt me more than my heart.

You embarrassed me.





It was all too clear. we ate dinner in silence, I tucked her in silence. She didn't even want a story. I blamed myself all night. What would Miya think about my now? That I'm just some selfish prick? I got into my bed, I couldn't be bothered for anything else. It was all my fault...


I woke up the next day and decided to put what happened yesterday behind me for now. We need to work together, as Rapunzel and Flynn. Not as Miya and Daniel.

I saw him as soon as I walked through the door. The same room it happened in yesterday. Anya wasn't here. "wheres An-"

"She's staying home with our mum today." He cut me off. He looked terrible, dark rings around his eyes and unbrushed hair.

"ok! so we need to start getting sorted for our first solo." but my words fell on deaf ears. Its like my words were making it harder for him to listen to something else. He grabbed his phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" He sounded more awake now- Not in a good way... "Yes, It's more complicated than that-" He sounded panicked almost. "Just forget it!!" He ended the call and turned to me. "I have to go, sorry"

"But our solo, we need-" but before I could finish what I was trying to say he was gone.


Dear Miya,

If your reading this it means that you are looking for me. Don't! You don't understand but I will explain to you, your getting too close so I will tell you so you don't find half of the story. I lied to you I'm sorry. Me and Anya, our mum isn't here, or our dad. Their both in Australia. I take care of Anya on my own. Well Anya has a heart condition. It means if she is over worked or to excited she gets pain through her heart and she gets no blood supply. Her limbs slowly turn purple and are at risk of falling off. That what happened when you were lifting her. That's why I shouted at you and I'm sorry. If the school finds out that she has these medical conditions they will kick her out. I didn't know how else to tell you to stop. The person on the phone is our neighbour. She found Anya collapsed on the floor. I'm taking her to the hospital now so please cover for me. You don't have to... Just for Anya.


I scanned the note that was shoved in my rucksack and gasped. How could I have been so arrogant and only thought of myself. I DIDN'T THINK!! I threw on my shoes and hoodie. This one time ballet will have to wait.


I rush into A&E with Anya in my arms. Her head is flopped over my forearm. Her lips are purple/blue and her breathing is scarce. I heave her onto a spare bed abandoned in the walk way. I quickly scribbled in the information on her sign in form and I run her bed into Doctor Smith's room where she is peacefully sitting. She was about to protest when she recognised Anya's face.

"Oh good god!!" She grabbed as many things as she could in her arms and started treating her suddenly. Injection after injection, more and more oxygen. It was a lot.


"St Thomas' Hospital, now please" The taxi shot off. Listen I know what your thinking. It said not to go looking for him and Anya, but I need to talk to them. Apologize...

So, him and Anya walk to the school everyday. meaning they don't live that far. If Anya was in such desperate need of medical attention, then he would take her to the closest hospital. Maybe even A&E?

"St Thomas' Hospital, now please"

"Yes, miss" The car sped down the ally ways and round abouts.

I ran through the main sliding doors to reveal a old receptionist. Crap! What's Anya and Daniels last name?

"Miya?" A voice calls from behind me.

{*. Act One .*}Where stories live. Discover now