Chapter 11

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(This is a one off Amy POV, I just think she has such an underrated backstory that needs to be shared. ) *mention of alcohol abuse and abuse*


I slam my door and grab my headphones. I click Spotify and blast songs into my head. The noise of the yelling muffled and distant. I'm so sick of this already! A single tears slowly slides down my cheek when I feel something crawling onto my knees. Remy my pet rat snuggled deep in the fluffy oodie I was wearing. I was stroking Remy when someone knocked lightly on my door. I took my headphones and turned towards the door.

"Hey Amy, open the door." I didn't answer. His words were slurred and I could tell he had had too many for me to talk to him rationally. "I know your angry," that was an  understatement... "and I know I said I would stop drinking for your next show but"  There was the word I was waiting for, 'but'. There was always some reason he could never keep his promise. I was about to put my headphones back on when I heard someone shout.

"DAD, JUST LEAVE! SHE DOSEN'T WANT TO TALK TOYOU RIGHT NOW" Shit!! Damion!! Why did you say that? A sharp slap sound came under my door and a small whimper. As soon as he walked downstairs I opened the door and pulled Damion into a hug. 

"It's okay." I whispered into his hair, "Mum will pick us up soon, pack your bags. We are going early!" I was packing when my phones buzzed on the side of my bed.

Miya <3 

Miya <3: Hey girl! how are you?

Me: I'm good x hbu?

I never like to tell people about my feelings. I just act happy and unbothered and hope no one notices the truth. Its like a mask. I use this hyper energetic person everyone finds funny and cool, to hide the tired fed up Amy no one really likes. Miya messages me a few more times but I was too busy grabbing clothes to check my phone. Damion came in with bags and his laptop.
"How are we going to get past dad without him-" He looked down and lightly stroked the marks from earlier.
"You run... don't worry I will be fine. Get in mums car and tell her everything this time. No holding back on the little secrets he tells us to keep for him." He nods and tightens his grip of his duffle bag.

We ran, I pushed damson and gave him a boost. My dad's sunken eyes darted towards us then down at our bags.
"YOURE NOT FUCKING LEAVING THIS HOUSE UNTIL IM DONE WITH YOU. YOURE SO UNGRATEFUL!" Damion reached for the door handle when he grabbed him by the collar. I ripped his hand off his shirt and he turned around to me. Damion ran out and got into our mums car. The door was open and I could see her face looking at me. My dad noticed her too, so he came extremely close to my ear and whispered...
"I guess we will see eachother in court-" I nodded and was about to walk out before he grabbed my wrist. I turned to look at him panic in my eyes. He stared deep into my soul, I could see the wrinkles that had appeared. The ones that had only just been created these past few years. He had the same eyes, just darker. And the same smile, even though he didn't show it. I could see him, 6 years younger, shadowed by the stage lighting. His face was so proud watching his little girl dance, just like he did. He gulped and looked at me again. "I'm sorry, but you did this to yourself." A sorry tear just slid down my cheek and he let go sharply. He knew what he had done, whether he cared was a different matter.

Whether he cared for us at all was a different matter...

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