Chapter 10

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We are all sat around the dinner table. Everyone is happy to see us, and we are famished from that extremely long flight. Everyone was eating normally when my mother said this-
"Wow! Miya how are you so skinny? With how much you eat I mean. If I ate that much I would be as fat as a pig!!"
My face fell and so did Miyas.
"I'm sorry?" She replied almost astonished at what disgusting words spat out of her mouth.
"I didn't mean it in a bad way. I'm just saying, I wish I could eat that much..."
Miya didn't eat anything else that night.

"Hey do you want hot chocolate and marshmallows with me and Anya?" She just shook her head and turned away from me. After a few minutes she replied.
"I think I will just practice our ballet solo. I keep messing up."
"Do you need anything? Shoes, practice clothes?"
"No. I brought everything." She holds up her shoes and leotard. I nod and go to walk out when she stops me. "Do u have a baggy shirt?"
"Yeah. One sec" I run up the basement stairs to get into my room. I pull out my biggest shirt and run back down again. "Here you go!" I pass her the shirt and catch my breath again.
"Thank you"


I can't dance right! The moves get jumbled into one and I can't remember what's next. I sit down slumped against the garage wall. It's cold and makes me shiver down my spine. I just cry. Tears pool down my cheeks and onto Daniel's shirt.
My head shoots up to see Daniel at the door.
"Um yeah?" My voice was shaking and fresh tears were prickling in my eyes.
"What's wrong?" The words of Daniel's hurt the most. What is wrong? A lot of things to be honest. "Come here..." I stand up and walk over to him. He pulls me into a huge hug. "Everything is okay." I don't say anything. "Let me help you with the routine... it will make you feel better about what my mum said." I have no clue how he knew that was what's wrong, but if I'm being honest it was.


I woke up and I was cuddling Miya. I could smell her scent so strong. "Hey..." I shook her shoulders.
"Mmmm?" She replied
"Your making my arm go very numb right know" I laugh and she moves off it. A tingling warm sensation shooting down it. "We have practice today..." She rolls over to the other side of her bed. After practicing last night we accidentally fell asleep.
"Yeah, we really need to do that. When was the last time we went over our duets and lines?"
"I can't even remember" She just shrugs. "But we have a full day today." She nods and climbs off the bed.
"Oh my god! It's freezing down here." I look around her bedroom. It's the guest one, in the basement.
"Why don't you sleep in my room tonight. Its gonna be really cold."
"Ok. Thank you." She pulls on a jumper out of her suitcase.

authors note-

I'm so sorry about all of this. My life has been crazy at the minute with leaving my school year and GCSE options. Thank you for understanding :) 

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