Chapter 2

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I didn't bother telling my brother where I was going. He would find out soon enough. My mum on the other hand found out 3 seconds after I did. She was so excited! Ever since I was young I did ballet. I tried other dances of course. Tap, modern, even Irish. But none of them called to me like ballet. The gracefullness of it all, to stretch and pointe. Its like my life. I love it!!

So when I found out another person called Daniel Pocter had to work so close to me made me shiver. They say he is their 'top student'. Ok then. I won't let him ruin this chance for me.

That was a little mean. I just woke up cranky, sorry. I don't even know the guy . He might be lovely. He may even be really good!!


"Yessss!" Oliver and issac practically scream at me as I finish my 18 pirouette sequence. I mockingly bow towards them and turn off my Spotify.
"I'm warm now."
"Wait-" issac snatches my phone when a notification pops up. "Miya deflayer is coming tomorrow?" I snatch the phone off him and cancel the pop up.
"Yeah" I shrug it off.

"My legs are so sore." I drone on
"I made you an ice bath already." My little sister says. I hug her into my sweaty armpits and she jokingly coughs.

I wince and sink my body into the ice water. "Ahhhh" I tilt my head back adjusting to its burn.
"How was practice today?" My sister says sitting outside the bathroom. She always talks to me, it kind of helps.
"Good, you?"
"It was so fun, we learnt how to pl- pli-..."
"Plie?" I ask with a chuckle.
"Yeah!" She says an excitement bursting through.

My mum and dad live in Australia, but me and my little sister couldn't miss this opportunity. I got accepted into the London International Dance School about a year ago. And with me came my little sister Anya. Carol from upstairs makes sure she can get in the house. And when I come back I make dinner and run her a bath and get her into bed. She's only 5 but really mature.
"Yes Anya?"
"Are you nervous, for Flynn." As I said she's really mature, and really empathetic! "I would be"
"Little squidge" I breathe out "I will be fine, how about you...?"
"I'm so excited!"
"My little rapunzel, ey" She giggles and I can tell she is practicing pointing her toes, like she does everyday.


I heave the suitcase that I packed not long before. They didnt give me much notice bare in mind. And trust me when i tell you that packing for a dnace show is ALOT!! Evey single match set and shoe I own. I'm so glad I have Bailey to help me with all this. "I'm so grateful for you right now liey."

"Literally no problem mimi, I get front row seats to this right?"

"Of course!!" I laugh. "My mums hooked you up" I heave the last bag onto the seat next to me. Jesus Christ this school must be rich! I have first class seat and a cabin all to myself. A woman came over as I was hugging Bailley goodbye.

"Sorry miss. I need to see your ticket before we leave." I hand over my signed ticket from the school whilst Bailey waves to me and steps off the train. 

Only a few more seconds later the train sets off with a whoosh. I quickly grasp my seat and look out of the window at Bailey chasing the train, but as we speed up we lose sight of her. Then the nerves set in. none of this seem real. I went to the ballet audition not knowing what it was for. I always do that, a fun surprise I guess? Well I could tell it went well, not this well though!

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