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As both of you land on the warp pad, Connie notices you two and stood up to greet you both

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As both of you land on the warp pad, Connie notices you two and stood up to greet you both. "Steven, Y-N! What took you two so long?" She asked while hugging the both of you, "The Diamonds that's what, They REALLY want us to move in." You answered, specifically emphasising the 'really' part.

"Why?" Connie further questioned.

"So they can smother us with attention 24/7." Steven said hugging himself, probably heavily disliking that idea. Connie chuckles "Sounds 'fun'." She said before moving away from the two of you, "No it doesn't." You huff.

Connie presses the button, allowing the doors to slide open "Well, I'm glad I got to see you two before heading out." Steven and you look at Connie, "You're really going through with it?" Steven questioned while you and him followed her.

"Of course! I've always wanted to go to space camp." She stated, You both focused your attention on her before you further questioned her "But- you've literally been to space multiple times." Steven followed on with you and continues saying "And you've done way cooler stuff than just camp there."

"My parents are doing what they can to support my interests. It's sweet!" Connie answered as she grabs her bag, "Plus, I get all the freeze-dried ice cream I can eat." She finished. "But Sadie Killer and the Suspects are playing tonight. Isn't a rock show a little better than space camp?" Steven asked making a pinch motion with his fingers.

Connie looked at both of you with a thinking expression "It's maybe... equal to space camp." Both of you laugh as Connie's phone buzzes, she flips out her phone to see who it is. "That's my mum, I should get going." She remarked, preparing herself for departure now.

You all had a group hug before she ran off saying, "Okay! Bye guys!" You watched her run off while a warm smile crept up to your features. Steven and you then swiftly ran to the balcony just before she was out of sight, "Tell everyone at space camp that space used to be super scary and dangerous but it's great now!" Steven yelled towards the girl.

Connie waves to the both of you from the beach as she says "I will!" Then she was no longer in sight.

You chuckle while Steven sighs happily, you then look at each other knowing what's about to happen next.

(Insert Happily Ever After)

Steven: Here we are in the future!
Here we are in the future and it's bright! Nothing to fear, no one to fight!
I can't believe we've come so far!
Happily ever after here we are!
Once upon a time I thought I'd always in my mothers shadows
Answering for her crimes, I thought I'd always be in an endless battle
Till I began to hone
A power all my own!
That I could feel growing stronger every day
Both: And now we've saved the world, not just that- the whole galaxy saved. We did it! Here we are in the future!

You and Steven run towards Greg and Pearl. Pearl was holding some type of guitar, "Hey Pearl, hey dad!" Steven greets the two, Greg and Pearl notices you two and greets the both of you back.

"Hey Schtu-ball, hey (Your nick name)!" Greg responds.

"Steven, Y-N! I'm learning to play the bass." Pearl said as she lifts up the instrument to show us. Greg craned his head towards both of you as the both of you took a seat next to him, "I keep telling her it's 'bass'." (Pronounced as base! In case someone gets confused.) "Excuse me, B-A-S-S spells 'bass'."Pearl says.

Greg takes of his glasses "You're the boss." You and Steven laugh at this. "Heck yes I am!" Pearl remarked.

Pearl: Once upon a time, I thought I'd always be in Pink diamond's service
Till the day the two of us snuck down to be on this planet's surface
We became our fantasy! And I was sure she'd set me free!
But in the end I guess I never left her side, and after love and loss and all the tears I cried
I found that...
Steven, Pearl and You: Here we are in the future!

They all laughed as lion climbed out the Van.

(For the people that have already red this before the changes I've decided to give Y-N her own verse. It would seem fair after all.)

Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven Universe x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now