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You were underground of Beach House in your creation base, you made the base (with the help of your tutor) for emergencies

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You were underground of Beach House in your creation base, you made the base (with the help of your tutor) for emergencies.

Luckily for you, the technology pads you made were still there, you went over to the pads and started doing some research. You first looked around in the gem database to find nothing.

That's when a light bulb went off inside your head, you decided to look through the Diamond database instead and you found the weapon you were looking for, it was called a 'Gem Rejuvenator'.

From what it said on your pads it completely strips the memories of a gem and reverts them to their original self, that explains why your gem friends were acting strange and it also explains what has happened to the both of you.

You managed to deduce when both you and Steven got hit by the Rejuvenator your gem's sides took the hit but thanks to your human sides you two didn't lose your memories nor did you two poof.

But that was the problem, the weapon made you two young again, not physically, but when you two had no control over your powers. You saw a little message on the pad saying 'How to reverse the effect'. You smiled but it soon disappeared the minute it appeared due to no information below it.

All it said was 'This effect is reversible' "Well that's great huh? But at least I've got somewhere now." You muttered to yourself as you made your way out of the creation base.

You spotted Steven in the distance along with the gems and Greg, you made your way over to them to rejoin with the group once more. Once you were with them you gave the Rejuvenator back to Steven before interpreting the intention behind the weapon and your conclusions to the situation.

"So you're telling me, that our gem friends are back to when they first started." You nodded and he carried on "And in our case since we're hybrids, our gem sides took the hit but our human sides kept us from poofing." He listed from your explanation.

You nodded again "And this results us from having no control over our powers." You concluded, Steven looked over to Spinel, the gems, then back to you as he gave a nod of indication that he understood the current situation.

"Luckily the effect is reversible but, I have no clue how to reverse it." You disclosed with disappointment laced in your tone, Lion then comes into view and you both greet him. Steven then tries to store the deactivated Rejuvenator in Lions mane but the Rejuvenator simply slid off his mane and onto the sand, it seemed that storing items in Lions mane was also dysfunctional.

"I can't store things in Lions mane now?! That's like the easiest thing I do!" He exclaimed, you had to remind him what was going on. You then glanced towards Little Homeworld in the distance, your eyes widened as you realised you two could go get some help.

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