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A pink portal appeared and out came lion with the three of you on top "Amethyst!" Steven shouted, she was no where to be seen

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A pink portal appeared and out came lion with the three of you on top "Amethyst!" Steven shouted, she was no where to be seen. Then all of you were in Funland checking for Amethyst "Amethyst!" You this time shouted, You were all then riding on The Appalachian, crying out for her, well except Spinel who was enjoying the ride.

But Alas, still no Amethyst.

You then all went to The Big Donut to search for her there "Amethyst." Steven said, Lion jumped back into the portal because she wasn't there, but the pink portal reappeared with Stevens head popping out "Wait, can I get a couple to go." He asked Bill.

"Amethyst! We have tasty donuts! Come and get them!" Steven and you shouted waving the donuts in the air to trying to lure her out.

"Worth the try, where could she be?" You pondered, then thats when you heard some rustling coming from a certain direction, you all looked in the direction where it came from, it might be a clue of where your gem friend may be.

"Amethyst?" Steven asked, you three got off lion and went over to the plum colour curtain, you four peeked into the curtain to see what or who was making the noise.

"What is this place?" Spinel questioned with curiosity "It's an art studio, Amethyst used to come here all the time." You answered looking around the studio, meanwhile, Spinel went off to explore it.

You saw a type of art but then the eyes moved "Ah!" You screamed alarmed, you have seen eyes on art before but since when can they move?! "Huh?!" The art questioned as it shape shifted back to Amethyst, oh thank stars, you managed to find her.

"Amethyst! Thank goodness you're okay!" Steven said relieved that we found her  "Thank goodness you're okay." Amethyst repeated back, oh here we go again, It seems she's still repeating after Steven.

He sighed "I'm- Sorry, WERE not very not okay, but we have a plan. Were gonna get us all back piece by piece." You walked forward towards the purple gem "We just need to figure out your pieces." You said as you looked around the studio "These paintings, do you remember being painted?" You asked.

"Being painted?" Asked Amethyst confused "Pew! Pew! Do you remember our hand shake? Or Yours and Y-N signature greeting?" Steven asked hoping to get somewhere with this, she shape shifted into him and repeated the 'pew, pew' but not the way they do it.

"What about singing and dancing with us?" You two asked as you clicked on the studio light.

(Insert No Matter What)

You and Steven: In the light of the day, In the dark of the night
When your rearing to go, when your tired from the fight
Steven: When your losing your mind, let me give you a thought
You: I'm gonna be right by, by your side no matter what
Steven: In the dark of the night
Amethyst: In the dark of the night
You: In the light of the day
Amethyst: In the light of the day
Steven: When your rising to shine
Amethyst: When your rising to shine
You: When your hitting the hay
Amethyst: When your hitting the hay
Steven: I'll be hanging around
Amethyst: I'll be hanging around
You: If you like it or not
Amethyst: If you like it or not
You, Steven and Amethyst: I'm gonna be right by your side, no matter what

Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven Universe x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now