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The doors to the concert flies open as lion jumps through, you two looked around for the pink gem but she was no where in sight

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The doors to the concert flies open as lion jumps through, you two looked around for the pink gem but she was no where in sight.

Nanefua looked up to the two of you pausing her activity on the clip board, she said something to Steven but you were too busy looking around for you to hear her.

"Did you see a pink gem run by?" he asked her desperately, she pointed in the direction Spinel went in and he thanked her while the three of you were on the move again.

While Lion sprinted on top of the water, Steven was recollecting his memories from the morning "Just this morning, everything was perfect... why did everything have to change?" He asked himself but also asked you at the same time, you answered him with silence because even you didn't know the answer to that.

The hybrid looked back to you to check how you were doing, you still felt drained out and he could see this, you brought your attention from the twinkling sky to Steven "I'm sure we will get this sorted out eventually... but we need to hurry, time is ticking." You say to him, he looked from you nodding and adjusted back to his own view.

A piece of the decayed earth fell into the poisoned lake completely evaporating the minute it fell in, Lion eventually came to a stop looking at the cyan glow emitting from the conservatory.

"That might be her, let's get moving." you tell him as you both dismounted Lion, just before you were about to move Steven gave a command to the pink beast "Go find Connie, we need all hands on deck." Lion roared then leaped through the pink portal following the order from Steven.

"Make haste, Steven." You said as you walked past him, he quickly ran to your side shortly after.

As the both of you peeked in the conservatory, Steven called out to Spinel. Her back was faced to the both of you as she was kneeling on the warp pad "What's wrong?" You asked concerned, she lifted her head and then turned to the two of you with tears pouring down her face.

She let out a few whimpers and the two of you gasped shocked to see her like this, "I just started getting these feelings flooding back to me..." the gem said still unsure about what's going on, you two slowly approached her as Steven started to speak again "That's- That's good, We need you to remember... If you don't..." he trailed off.

"Then something really bad will happen to us and our home." You finished, Spinel looked around confused and scared, but her eyes shot open when Steven mentioned "Garden." It was like he struck some sort of memory in her.

"The garden...?" She said quietly but audible enough to hear, "Is anything coming back to you?" Steven asked trying to get somewhere with the situation, Spinel smiled but it shortly disappeared the minute it was present "No!" She slammed her fists to the warp pad and the three of you were being warped to somewhere. "Spinel? Where are we going?" You questioned the gem confused.

Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven Universe x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now